Python Basic - Pandas, Numpy -

  1. Introduction of Numpy NumPy is a Python package. It stands for 'Numerical Python', and Numpy is a linear algebra library to work with dimensional arrays, which contains useful linear algebra routines and random number capabilities.

  2. Numpy arrange() method The arange() method in the Numpy module in Python is used to generate linear sequence of numbers. If does it on the basis of the pre-provide starting and ending points along with a constant step size.


import numpy as np
start = 1  # default 0
stop = 21
step = 1   # default 1
none = int
np.arange(start, stop, step, dtype=none)

Output image.png


data = np.arange(start, stop, step)

Output image.png

Combination of reshape() method

data = np.arange(start, stop, step).reshape(4,5)

Output image.png

Combination of array() method

title = np.array(['UserId', 'SomethingId', 'ProductName', 'Price', 'Ratings'])
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=title)

Output image.png

Pick up (Slice) specific data

df_part = pd.DataFrame(data[:, 3:], columns=title[3:])

Output image.png

df_part = pd.DataFrame(data[:, :3], columns=title[:3])

Output image.png

  1. Pandas Pandas is a library providing fast, flexible, and expressive way to work with a relational or table of data, both easily and intuitive. It allows you to process your data in a way similar to SQL. Scikit-learn is a library of classic machine learning algorithms. It features various classification, regression, and clustering algorithms, including support virtual machines, random force, and a lot more.

concat() method


df12 = pd.concat([df_part2, df_part1], axis=1)

Output image.png

References: LINKS

-Numpy-Official -Pandas-Official

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