Weiter mit Ich habe versucht, Objekte aus den Bildern des Steak-Sets zu sortieren - mehrere Überlappungen, diesmal habe ich die Histogramme verglichen, um ähnliche Bilder zu erkennen. Ich ging.
Übrigens werden wir dieses Mal Rechtecke mit fast derselben Bildgröße zusammenstellen, sodass wir es nicht gewagt haben, die Größe des Bildes zu ändern.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import selectivesearch
import os
def main():
# loading lena image
img = cv2.imread("{Bilddatei}")
# perform selective search
img_lbl, regions = selectivesearch.selective_search(
candidates = set()
for r in regions:
# excluding same rectangle (with different segments)
if r['rect'] in candidates:
# excluding regions smaller than 2000 pixels
if r['size'] < 2000:
# distorted rects
x, y, w, h = r['rect']
if w / h > 1.2 or h / w > 1.2:
# draw rectangles on the original image
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(6, 6))
overlaps = {}
#Zählen Sie die Anzahl der Überlappungen und weisen Sie sie dem Array zu.
for x, y, w, h in candidates:
group = x + y + w + h
for x2, y2, w2, h2 in candidates:
if x2 - w < x < x2 + w2 and y2 - h < y < y2 + h2:
if not group in overlaps:
overlaps[group] = 0
overlaps[group] = overlaps[group] + 1
#Gibt Dateien mit 30 oder mehr Überlappungen aus (30 wird willkürlich als Schwellenwert festgelegt).
for key, overlap in enumerate(overlaps):
if overlap > 30:
for x, y, w, h in candidates:
group = x + y + w + h
if group in overlaps:
cv2.imwrite("{Dateipfad}" + str(group) + '.jpg', img[y:y + h, x:x + w])
#Berechnen Sie die Ähnlichkeit von Bildern durch Vergleichen von Histogrammen
image_dir = "{Dateipfad}/"
target_files = os.listdir(image_dir)
files = os.listdir(image_dir)
for target_file in target_files:
if target_file == '.DS_Store':
target_image_path = image_dir + target_file
target_image = cv2.imread(target_image_path)
target_hist = cv2.calcHist([target_image], [0], None, [256], [0, 256])
for file in files:
if file == '.DS_Store' or file == target_file:
comparing_image_path = image_dir + file
comparing_image = cv2.imread(comparing_image_path)
comparing_hist = cv2.calcHist([comparing_image], [0], None, [256], [0, 256])
ret = cv2.compareHist(target_hist, comparing_hist, 0)
probability = ret * 100
print("target file: " + target_file, "file: " + file, "similarity: " + str(probability) + "%")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Das mit 100% Ähnlichkeit scheint genau das gleiche Bild zu sein.
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 250.jpg', 'similarity: 24.8911807562%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 369.jpg', 'similarity: 6.78223462382%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 389.jpg', 'similarity: 11.1974626968%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 432.jpg', 'similarity: 35.179639392%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 463.jpg', 'similarity: 79.5281353144%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 477.jpg', 'similarity: 51.5870749875%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 480.jpg', 'similarity: 55.1832671208%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 492.jpg', 'similarity: 88.2822944972%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 522.jpg', 'similarity: 76.9528435542%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 547.jpg', 'similarity: 84.9997652385%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 559.jpg', 'similarity: 77.6441098189%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 575.jpg', 'similarity: 76.3571281251%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 581.jpg', 'similarity: 76.7456283874%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 594.jpg', 'similarity: 31.9957806646%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 603.jpg', 'similarity: 85.3813480299%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 629.jpg', 'similarity: 88.0957855275%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 632.jpg', 'similarity: 60.7236277665%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 634.jpg', 'similarity: 62.3073009307%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 635.jpg', 'similarity: 65.5935422037%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 657.jpg', 'similarity: 56.6421422253%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 658.jpg', 'similarity: 82.0967550779%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 659.jpg', 'similarity: 89.7396556858%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 754.jpg', 'similarity: 78.3236083079%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 758.jpg', 'similarity: 79.0903410039%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 799.jpg', 'similarity: 89.3025985059%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 806.jpg', 'similarity: 97.2873823376%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 815.jpg', 'similarity: 93.3345515745%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 867.jpg', 'similarity: 81.8261095798%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 920.jpg', 'similarity: 93.4987208053%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 921.jpg', 'similarity: 90.3518029292%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 932.jpg', 'similarity: 94.4258967857%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 964.jpg', 'similarity: 10.5652113467%')
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 972.jpg', 'similarity: 98.8755231495%')
----Folgendes wird weggelassen
Was ist die Ähnlichkeit von 90% oder mehr?
('target file: 1018.jpg', 'file: 972.jpg', 'similarity: 98.8755231495%')
('target file: 754.jpg', 'file: 758.jpg', 'similarity: 99.8932682258%')
Ich finde die Genauigkeit ziemlich gut.
Es scheint, dass ich einmal ein ziemlich gutes Ergebnis erzielt habe, also möchte ich das nächste Mal Bilder mit hoher Ähnlichkeit gruppieren und zusammenfügen.
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