I want to make mosaic images and videos using Photomosaic generator https://github.com/uvipen/Photomosaic-generator
If you move the above sample with git clone and move "video2video.py" "image2image.py", the sample will work easily. If you don't have any environment, you have to install opencv, so hit the following. $pip install opencv-python
However, I want to make a mosaic picture with my favorite image! !! !! That's why
Since google image download did not work, it corresponds https://qiita.com/taedookim/items/63759e79426514c8a729
This article was written on 08/20/2020, with the latest Google image search specification changes. The tool doesn't seem to work. It is also written in the above qiita, I cloned and used a patch version that can be downloaded. URL https://github.com/Joeclinton1/google-images-download/tree/patch-1
You cannot get more than 100 images in qiita articles. .. That was a problem. ..
This was also written on qiita. How to use "google-images-download" which is convenient for collecting images for machine learning https://qiita.com/tomokin966/items/fdf14f4bfaa8bf97eed6
It was written in [article] link-1 of qiita above.
Download [chromedriver] link-2.
Here is the important chrome driver exe to match the version of chrome currently installed on your PC.
Now on my PC version: 84.0.4147.125
If you go to the chromedriver page, the newest version is 85, so make it 84 version.
DL 200 dogs
python google_images_download\google_images_download.py -k "dog" -l 200 -cd "chromedriver.exe"
Now, make a mosaic image with your favorite character ~
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