A super introduction to Django by Python beginners! Part 2 I tried using the convenient functions of the template

About this article

This is the output page of the result of learning about Django on Udemy. This is a continuation of the previous article . This time, I'm going to use render, which is one of Django's features.

urls.py ulrs.py is the same as last time.


from django.urls import path
from . import views

app_name = 'myapp'

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.index, name='index'),

views.py Modify views.py as follows.


from django.shortcuts import render

def index(request):
    context = {
    return render(request, 'myapp/index.html', context)

First, import the render with from django.shortcuts import render.

Next, edit the def index. Add a dictionary called context to the def index. The context has a key called names and message. Let's register multiple values for names.

Finally, pass the context to myapp / index.html with return render (request,'myapp / index.html', context). The context Key and value are now available in myapp / index.html.

Setting the location of the template file

Django has a fixed location for template files.

It's pretty confusing when this area starts learning Django, In conclusion, myapp / index.html is in the following location. first\myapp\templates\myapp\index.html image.png

I will explain in detail step by step.

    1. Create a folder called templates under first \ myapp.
  1. Furthermore, create a folder with the same app name (myapp this time) under it.
    1. Create index.html in that myapp folder.
  2. If you access myapp / index.html in urls.py, you will be accessing this index.html file.
  3. It may be good to remember that it is saved according to the rules like ↓. / / templates /

index.html Describe as follows in index.html.


<p>{{ names.0 }}Mr.{{ message }}</p>
<p>{{ names.1 }}Mr.{{ message }}</p>
<p>{{ names.2 }}Mr.{{ message }}</p>


{% for name in names %}
    <p>{{ name }}Mr.{{ message }}</p>
{% endfor %}

The description you write in a Django HTML file seems to be similar to Python, but with a slightly different notation. Enclose variables in {{}} and program instructions such as for in {%%}. Also, since there is no concept of indentation in HTML, it is necessary to express it explicitly with {% endfor%} at the end of for and if. If you're used to Python, it can be quite annoying, but you have to get used to it.

I will explain from the first three lines.

Three values were registered in the names of context. names.0 means pulling the first value of names. names.1 is the second value for names. No subscript is required because message has only one value.

Next, I will explain the last three lines. With {% for name in names%}, retrieve the values one by one from names. This area has the same notation as Python, so it's easy to understand. Don't forget to close it with {% endfor%} at the end.

Operation check

Let's start the development server with py manage.py runserver and access index.html. If it is displayed as below, there is no problem. The upper three lines are the value display with subscripts, and the lower three lines are the value display with for minutes.


Next article


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