Python> essayez: / sauf:


@ Introducing Python: Modern Computing in Simple Packages by Bill Lubanovic (No. 2903 / 12833)

Comment utiliser try: et ʻexcept: ʻest posté.

J'ai essayé.

alist = [ '7of9', 'Janeway', "B'Elanna Torres" ]
position = 5
	print("Position is out of range")


Position is out of range

except exceptiontype as name:

@ Introducing Python: Modern Computing in Simple Packages by Bill Lubanovic (No. 2919 / 12833)

J'ai essayé.

alist = [ '7of9', 'Janeway', "B'Elanna Torres" ]
position = 5

except IndexError as err:
	print("Position is out of range")
except Exception as other:
	print("Something doesn't sit right well.")


Position is out of range

Documentation officielle

Référence: 5. Exceptions intégrées @ Python >> 3.6.1 >> Documentation >> Bibliothèque standard Python

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