Capturer des images avec Pupil, python et OpenCV

Pupil is a head-mounted eye tracker, which is very low price (380 Euro~) See Pupil lab:

Although a good sdk for MacOS and Linux is available officially, I had a try to use this device just for capuring inside/outside views.

import cv2
import sys
import numpy as np
import re

def init_camera(id, width, height):
	Initializing a camera
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(id)
    cap.set(, width)
    cap.set(, height)

    return cap

def run(ids, width=320, height=180):
	Capturing images
    caps = [init_camera(id, width, height) for id in ids]

        # Capture frame-by-frame
        for id in ids:
            ret, frame = caps[id].read()

            # Our operations on the frame come here

            # Display the resulting frame
            cv2.imshow('cam %d' % id, frame)

        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

    # When everything done, release the capture
    for id in ids:

def parse_argvs(argvs):
    if(len(argvs) == 1):
        print 'Usage: python --ids [0, 1, ...] --width [width], --height [height]'

    if '--width' in argvs:
        width =[argvs.index('--width') + 1])
        width = 320
    if '--height' in argvs:
        height =[argvs.index('--height') + 1])
        height = 180
    if '--ids' in argvs:
        ids = []
        idx = argvs.index('--ids') + 1
        while(re.match('--.*', argvs[idx]) is None):
            idx = idx + 1
        ids = [0]

    return ids, width, height

if(__name__ == '__main__'):
    ids, width, height = parse_argvs(sys.argv)
    run(ids, width, height)


python --ids 0 1 --width 320 --height 180

 ![kobito.1414127169.369296.png]( "kobito.1414127169.369296.png ")

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