Reasons to choose python if working people learn programming as a sub-skill


I'm not trying to make a living from programming. I have a job that has nothing to do with the electrical system. After mastering the skills of the main job to some extent, by learning the sub-skills Isn't it possible to have more width?

With that in mind, programming is also a sub-skill. It is one of the very useful skills. Because, in modern times, most of the work is done with computers. Because there is an edge.

However, even if you say that you start programming, the programming language is We have a lot. He has different grammar and words, so which language he chooses I am very confused as to whether to learn it. Especially working people do not have time.

I chose python. I wrote this article, hoping that it would be helpful for people with similar concerns.

Prerequisite conditions

As a member of society learns as a sub-skill for both hobbies and practical benefits, The following conditions are defined. It is a condition that it can be used at work or at home.

You can create Windows apps that are generally popular in the company. If possible, it can also work on a MAC. It also works on ipad/iphone and android. Linux is out of scope because it seems that there are not many unless it is a hobby or a specialized department. (I personally want to play with it as a hobby ...)

You can also operate office products and do RPA-like things. You can make a game if it is simple.

I thought.

Advantages and disadvantages of various programming languages

python Pros: It's popular now. (Being popular means that everyone publishes various articles) High readability and low learning cost. It has a rich library and has a high affinity with Excel and other software. Works on Windows, MAC, ipad/iphone, android. Free for commercial use. Bad: It tends to be slow.

VisialBasic Good point: High affinity with Excel etc. Since it comes with Excel, there is no need to install it. You can get started right away. Learning cost is low. Rich in books and articles. Free for commercial use. Bad: It tends to be slow. I am not good at linking with other than office products such as Excel.

C language Pros: You can do anything. Bad: The learning cost is extremely high. Development tools are charged ~~. ~~ (It seems that free tools such as VSC can be used.) Basically it works on any OS, but you need to change the program for each os.

Swift Pros: It's a new language, so it has a lot of features. Learning costs are reasonably high. Bad points: Basically for apple. It seems that Windows applications can be developed from September 2020. However, there seems to be few documents related to the production of new Windows applications. It is unknown whether it works on android.

JavaScript Good point: The difficulty of learning is low. Indispensable for web creation. Works with any os. It seems that some of them work on the server without a browser. Free for commercial use. Bad point: Basically, it only works on the internet browser. It cannot be used when running Excel or email software.

Java Pros: Most popular. In other words, there are many documents and articles. You can do almost anything with any OS. Bad points: Difficult to learn. It's a little out of date.

Ruby Good point: The document and grammar are easy to understand because it was made by Japanese people. The learning cost is very low. Strong in the web system. Bad point: It seems confusing because you can write code with different descriptions for each person.

Selection process

This time, we will learn programming as a "sub-skill". In other words, it is important that it is highly versatile. Can be used with various os. You can control various apps (RPA is also in the future). And since it is not a professional study, it is better that the cost is low. (Money / time) First of all, how long does it take for a small program to work easily? Is important.

On the contrary, if the application is limited or if it is limited to the web, it is not suitable because the usage is limited.

Considering the above,

VisialBasic; Basically limited to office products, so it was rejected. C language: Lost because of high learning cost. Swift: Lost because of high learning cost. JavaScript: Only for the web, it is a problem, so I was rejected. Java: Lost because of high learning cost.

have become. The rest are python and Ruby. Both have low learning costs and are versatile.

Personally, I also want to choose the domestic language Ruby. However, which one is attracting attention in the world now? Speaking of python will be better off. Moreover, ** python is often mentioned in business books and Nikkei newspapers. ** ** The bosses of companies who haven't learned programming (have no intention of learning) also said, "Programming? Well, it's IT. It's DX. I need it from now on. I'm not sure, but it seems necessary. " It seems that the impression of feeling remains. Unfortunately, Ruby is only known to people close to the IT industry.

In other words! ** You can appeal her to your boss or great man (who doesn't know anything about her PC)! !! ** ** It is. Appeal to your boss is important for working people. Even if programming is frustrated in the middle, it is OK. A new job may come around by appealing, but that's it This is an opportunity because the scope of work will be broadened. Ask them to raise their salary and authority for the wider range of work!


After the above selection, if working people learn programming as a sub-skill, choose python. have become.

However, if you have decided what you want to do, choose a language that suits you.

If you are learning at a company by creating a web page as a public relations other than your main business, It's not a sub skill but a professional skill, so JavaScript instead of python It may be an option.

In my case, it's just a sub skill. I didn't have anything I wanted to do What can i do? I have started learning. Later, when I wanted to do something, it was important that I could do anything to some extent.

By the way, python can also be converted to exe on Windows, MAC, and Linux. iphone / ipad If you purchase pythonista or something, you can run it like an app.

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