I get an error when I try to raise Python to 3 series using pyenv on Catalina


mac OS Catalina Version 10.15.7 I have Xcode installed (Version 12.1), but it hasn't been open all the time

Ordinary procedure

$ python --version Check the current version with → 2.7. What should I do?

$ brew update

$ brew install pyenv Install pyenv with homebrew

$ pyenv install 3.6.5

 Here, the first error
 error contents
>zipimport.ZipImportError: can't decompress data; zlib not available
make: *** [install] Error 1

 Because it came out

```$ brew install zlib```
 However, there is no particular change.

 With reference to
```$ xcode-select --install```
 I did,
 > This software is currently not available from the software update server and cannot be installed.

 Will be alerted.

 I solved it by manually installing Command Line Tools from the page below with reference to this. (Dev account required? Is it OK to log in with an Apple ID? I had a Dev account, so I don't know which one)


# I was able to install it! Next, "set to always use 3 series (3.6.5 in my case)"

 First, check the version

```$ pyenv versions```
 Confirm that pyenv is 3.6.5
```$ python --version```
 Then, 2.7.

## init pyenv
```$ pyenv init```

```# load pyenv automatically by appending```

#### **`python`**
```# the following to ~/.bash_profile

```eval "$(pyenv init -)"```

 Will come out, so

#### **`$ echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile`**

And it's done!

Finally $ python --version If you try, it should be 3 series.

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