I get an error when I put a Python plugin in Visual Studio Code under the pyenv environment


If you put the Python plugin in Visual Studio Code under pyenv environment on mac

Error Linter pylint is not installed

Is displayed and Linting does not work well. Also, the display of completion candidates is different from expected.

It feels like looking at setting.json, the Python Path that VS Code goes to read should be set to the location called by the python command, but for some reason I went to read / usr / bin / python It seems that it will end up.


Open Preferences> Setting and go to JSON on the USER SETTING tab

    "python.pythonPath": "Path set in pyenv(e.g. /User/user/.pyenv/shims/python)"


The solution for the time being, but now it works. (The cause is unspecified, maybe it is because the pyenv setting is written in bash_profile?)


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