[PYTHON] A person who wants to clear the D problem with ABC of AtCoder tried to scratch



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ABC 142 D

import math 

A, B = [int(item) for item in input().split()]

def gdc(A, B):
    if B == 0:
        return A
        return gdc(B, A % B)

def chk_pn(num):
    flag = True
    if num  <= 3:
        for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(num)) + 1):
            if num % i == 0:
                flag = False
    return flag

def mk_factor(num):
    max_divisor = int(math.sqrt(num))+1
    divisor = 2
    factor_list = [1]

    while divisor <= max_divisor:
        if num % divisor == 0:
            num /= divisor
            divisor += 1
    factor_list.append(num) #Don't forget to include the undivided number in the divisor
    return factor_list

GDC = gdc(A, B)
pn_factor = [i for i in mk_factor(GDC) if chk_pn(i) is True]
# print(pn_factor)

ABC 141 D

import heapq as hp
N, M = [int(item) for item in input().split()]
price_list = sorted([-1 * int(item) for item in input().split()])

total_m = 0

def discount(price_list, ticket_num):
    total_ticket =0

    while total_ticket < ticket_num:
        temp = hp.heappop(price_list)
        hp.heappush(price_list, -1* (-1*temp//2))
        total_ticket += 1

    return price_list

res = discount(price_list, M)
print(-1 * sum(res))

ABC 140 D

     def compress(arr):
    """The person who compressed and disappeared is happy"""
    cnt_h = 0
    new_arr = []
    comp_arr = ['L']

    #At first, the beginning is L. This rotation is no-can
    if arr[0] == 'R':
        for item in arr:
            if item == 'L':

            prev_item = item
        new_arr = arr
    #Count compression operations and compressed scraps

    for i in range(1, N):
        if new_arr[i - 1] == new_arr[i]:
            cnt_h += 1

    return [comp_arr, cnt_h] 

def execute(arr, cnt_h, K):
    #Number of operations required to invert all boundaries
    max_rotation = len(arr)//2
    #It ends when all become L or the number of inversions reaches K
    if max_rotation <= K:
        cnt_h += len(arr) - 1
        cnt_h += 2*K

    return cnt_h

ABC 139 D

N = int(input())
print((N-1)*N //2 )

ABC 138 D

python list version

N, Q = [int(item) for item in input().split()]

tree_list = [input().split() for j in range(1, N)]

query_list = [input().split() for k in range(Q)]
query_list_int = [[int(k) for k in i] for i in query_list]

val_list = [0 for _ in range(N)]

linked_node_list = [[] for _ in range(N)]

#Create a link relationship for undirected graphs (including upstream connections)
for a, b in tree_list:
    a, b = int(a)-1, int(b) -1
    linked_node_list[a].append(b) #Add child
    linked_node_list[b].append(a) #Add parent

for index, val in query_list_int:
    val_list[index-1] += val

stack = [0] #Generates a stack containing the value of the root node and stores the target to be patrolled
parent = [0] * (N+1) #Stores a stack that stores visited nodes

#If you use a recursive function, you will get stuck in the memory limit, so execute it sequentially with while
#Use LIFO on the stack. Since it becomes a LIFO, you can perform a depth-first search while looking at the youngest person.
#Remember the parent node and try to play it
#If you define it with a directed graph, you don't need to play the parent

while True:
    #Patrol in order from the route
    for child in linked_node_list[v]:
        if child != parent[v]:
            parent[child] = v #Store visited nodes
            stack.append(child) #Store the connection destination node of this node v on the stack
            val_list[child] += val_list[v] #Cumulative sum
    if not stack:
        #The patrol ends when the stack runs out


pypy3 node object version

from collections import deque
N, Q = [int(item) for item in input().split()]

tree_list = [input().split() for j in range(1, N)]
query_list = [input().split() for k in range(Q)]

class Node:
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val
        self.child_list = []
        self.cnt = 0

class my_tree:
    def __init__(self, tree_list):
        self.node_list = []

        for i in range(N):

        for a, b in tree_list:
            a, b = int(a), int(b)

            child_node = self.node_list[b-1]
            parent_node = self.node_list[a-1]

    def adding(self, query_list):
        for a, data in query_list:
            a, data = int(a), int(data)
            self.node_list[a-1].cnt += data

        stack = deque([self.node_list[0]])
        parent_node_list = [self.node_list[0]]*(N + 1)

        while True:
            v = stack.pop()
            for child in v.child_list:
                if child != parent_node_list[v.val -1]:
                    child.cnt += v.cnt
                    parent_node_list[child.val -1] = v

            if not stack:

ins = my_tree(tree_list)
print(*[node.cnt for node in ins.node_list])

Problems to practice D problem

Disco2020 B

N = int(input())
A_list = [int(item) for item in input().split()]

all_sum = sum(A_list)

F_sum_list = [A_list[0]]

for j in range(1,N):
    F_sum_list.append(F_sum_list[-1] + A_list[j])

delta_list = [abs(all_sum - 2* i) for i in F_sum_list]


ABC 146 C

A, B, X = [int(item) for item in input().split()]
res_list = []
left = 1 -1
right = 10 ** 9 + 1

is_search = True

while is_search:
    N = (left + right)//2
    res = A * N + B * len(str(N))

    if res > X:
        right = N
    elif res <= X:
        left = N

    if right - left <= 1:
        is_search = False

if res_list == []:
import math
A, B, X = [int(item) for item in input().split()]
res = 0
res_list = []
delta = 10**9 // 4
N= 10**9 // 2
is_search = True
while is_search:
    res = A * N + B * len(str(N))
    if res > X:
        N = N -delta
    elif res <= X:
        N = N + delta
    if delta <= 0:
    delta = delta // 2 
new_res_list = []
for i in range(N - 1000, N + 1000):
    res = A * i + B * len(str(i))
    if res <= X:
if new_res_list == [] or max(new_res_list) <1:
    if 1<= max(new_res_list) < 10**9:

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