[LINUX] Use a custom kernel with WSL2

___ I wrote how to use a custom kernel in WSL2. ___

Use Linux 5.x

P.S. If you are using scoop and want to use Linux 5.x (next), use this


scoop bucket add wsl2-next https://github.com/koumaza/bucket.git

Kernel compilation (example)

github - microsoft/WSL2-Linux-Kernel


Ubuntu build-essential flex bison libssl-dev libelf-dev ArchLinux base-devel flex bison openssl libelf




 make KCONFIG_CONFIG=Microsoft/config-wsl
# or. AutoEnter
 yes '' | make KCONFIG_CONFIG=Microsoft/config-wsl

Settings on Windows

Play with __ ~ / .wslconfig__. In front of! Let's do ʻuname -a`.

Create the following files in your home path. Replace [USERNAME].



If you are running an instance, do wsl --shutdown. Of course, you can place vmlinux anywhere you like. Linux 5.ximage.png

You can do everything with WSL2

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