[PYTHON] I tried combining Fabric, Cuisine and Jinja2

It's a memo, so it's rough. I was able to do something like this

Thing you want to do

I'm developing multiple Django apps and deploying them using Fabric and Cuisine. There are variables that differ depending on the description and environment (development, staging, production) in settings.py that I do not want to put on github, so I want to reflect them from the local file to the remote server file


Template file


#Common setting items are project in all environments_root/settings/common.I have it in common with py.

from sample_app.settings.common import *

SECRET_KEY = '{{ secret_key }}'

DEBUG = False


    'default': {
        'ENGINE': '{{ databases.default.engine }}',
        'NAME': '{{ databases.default.name }}',
        'USER': '{{ databases.default.user }}',
        'PASSWORD': '{{ databases.default.password }}',
        'HOST': '{{ databases.default.host }}',
        'PORT': {{ databases.default.port }},

yaml file

The value is appropriate


      secret_key: ''
          engine: django.db.backends.mysql
          name: sample_app
          user: root
          password: ''
          port: 3306

The process of uploading a file

Rather than uploading, it is more correct to say that you are creating a file with the contents specified remotely.

from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from cuisine import file_write

secrets = yaml.load(file('secrets.yml'))
local_template_name = local_template_path.split('/')[-1]
local_template_dir = local_template_path.replace(local_template_name, '')

#The following 3 lines are the main processing. Get the string with the variable embedded in the template and create a file containing it on the remote server.
jinja2_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(local_template_dir))
content = jinja2_env.get_template(local_template_name).render(secrets['django']['settings']['production'])
file_write(remote_path, content.encode('utf-8'))



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