Python: I tried a liar and an honest tribe

Problems of Liars and Honesty I don't know what number it is, but it looks interesting so I tried it.


import itertools

#Return consistent answers from the player and card deck
consistents = (
  lambda players: lambda card_deck: lambda statements:
    (hands, is_each_honest) 
    for hands in handss(card_deck) 
    for is_each_honest in is_each_honests
    if  statements(hands) == is_each_honest 
#Generator that returns a tuple of each card's hand
handss = lambda card_deck: itertools.permutations(card_deck)

#Tuples of tuples whether each player is honest(Decisive 2)
is_each_honests = (
  (True, False, False, True)
  ,(False, True, True, False)

players = (0, 1, 2, 3)
card_deck = (1, 2, 3, 4)

statements = lambda hands: (
  hands[0] % 2 == 0
  , hands[1] in (3, 4)
  , hands[1] in (3, 4)    # (Decisive 1)
  , hands[3] == 1

#Function application and display
for e in consistents(players)(card_deck)(statements):


((1, 3, 2, 4), (False, True, True, False))
((1, 3, 4, 2), (False, True, True, False))
((1, 4, 2, 3), (False, True, True, False))
((1, 4, 3, 2), (False, True, True, False))
((3, 4, 1, 2), (False, True, True, False))
((4, 2, 3, 1), (True, False, False, True))

There is a definite decision.

Decisive 1: "B is honest" => "B is correct" => B is saying => Converted to "B's card is 3 or 4"

Once the card is handed, the truth of each statement is decided, which simplifies the problem.

Decisive 2: Liar / Honesty two people each => B and C are the same statement => B and C are the same family => A and D are the opposite family

There are a total of 6 ways if there are no restrictions, but when B and C are in the same family, the variation is reduced to 2 ways.


>>> players = 0, 1, 2, 3
#No restrictions
>>> tuple( tuple( not e in liars for e in players ) for liars in itertools.combinations(players, 2))
((False, False, True, True), (False, True, False, True), (False, True, True, False), (True, False, False, True), (True, False, True, False), (True, True, False, False))    #6 ways
#Limited Liar is AD or otherwise BC
>>> tuple( tuple( not e in liars for e in players ) for liars in itertools.combinations(players, 2) if liars in ((0,3),(1,2)))
((False, True, True, False), (True, False, False, True))    #2 ways

You can calculate it, but there are only two, so I wonder if it's okay to write it directly.

Based on the above

A little short

I will try.

Decisive 1 => Combine B and C

B and C are the same whether they are honest or not.

Set 2 => True / False

If there are only two ways, it can be expressed by a simple logical value instead of a tuple. If the display is important, you can devise it a little.


import itertools

#Return consistent answers from the player and card deck
consistents = (
  lambda players: lambda card_deck: lambda statements:
    (hands, is_AD_honest) 
    for hands in itertools.permutations(card_deck)
    for is_AD_honest in (True, False)    # (Decisive 2)
    if  statements(hands) == (is_AD_honest, not is_AD_honest, is_AD_honest) # (Decisive 1) 

players = (0, 1, 2, 3)
card_deck = (1, 2, 3, 4)

statements = lambda hands: (
  hands[0] % 2 == 0
  , hands[1] in (3, 4)    # (Decisive 1)
  , hands[3] == 1

#Function application and display
for hands, is_AD_honest in consistents(players)(card_deck)(statements):
    (hands, (is_AD_honest, not is_AD_honest, not is_AD_honest, is_AD_honest)) # (Decisive 2)

It's easy to understand, but it's a little shorter.

But in the first place ...

Isn't it too hard?

If each statement is different (for example, if C says "B is a liar"), the categorical part becomes useless. I will start over.

This is what seems to work even if you rewrite the contents of each statement statements.


import itertools

#Return consistent answers from the player and card deck
consistents = (
  lambda players: lambda card_deck: lambda statements:
    (hands, is_each_honest) 
    for hands in handss(card_deck) 
    for is_each_honest in is_each_honests(players)
    if  statements(hands) == is_each_honest 
#Generator that returns a tuple of each card's hand
handss = lambda card_deck: itertools.permutations(card_deck)

#A generator that returns a tuple of whether each player is honest
is_each_honests = lambda players:( 
  tuple( e in honests for e in players ) 
  for honests in itertools.combinations(players, 2)

players = (0, 1, 2, 3)
card_deck = (1, 2, 3, 4)

statements = lambda hands: (
  hands[0] % 2 == 0
  , hands[1] in (3, 4)
  , hands[1] in (3, 4)    
  , hands[3] == 1

#Function application and display
for e in consistents(players)(card_deck)(statements):

However, it is still valid to "convert a reference to a person into a claim about a card's hand," as we did in Decisive 1.

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