Configure microservices with Spring Cloud (4): API Gateway

This is the 4th installment of the Spring Cloud series.


This time, I will set up API Gateway using "Spring Cloud Gateway".


Traditionally, "Zuul" was used in the Spring Clound family, but Zuul is now in maintenance mode, "WebFlux & Netty based" and "Spring Gloud Gateway". Is an alternative product.

API Gateway acts as a reverse proxy built before the API. The role of API Gateway is to get between the client and the API and handle the concerns that you don't want to bring to the API side.

The figure below is borrowed from the documentation for another product for API Gateway, "KrakenD". krakend_gateway.pnt.PNG

Typical examples are filtering, input / output return, API aggregation, log and statistical information acquisition, authentication (unlocking SSL, checking and adding tokens), and Throtting (is flow control okay?). ..

Personally, I attach great importance to two things, and I'm looking forward to Spring Cloud Gateway, which is based on Spirng.


It is assumed that the following works.

Since it is a continuation of Posts up to the last time, prepare the source of the previous goal point at hand and use it as a base.

Work steps

In this article, we will proceed with the following steps.

  1. API Gateway template creation
  2. Implementation (addition of annotation and description of configuration file)
  3. Docker imaging and addition to docker-component

Step 1: Create API Gateway template

This is where Spring Initializr comes into play.

Specify only ** Artifact ** and ** Name ** in gateway, and the rest Add Gateway and ʻEureka Client, Spring Cloud LoadBalancer, and SpringBoot Actuator` to ** Dependencies **. Actuator is not required for Gateway, but I will add it because it is necessary.

Dependencies Description
Gateway Added to deploy Spring Cloud Gateway
Eureka Discovery Client Added to get a list of services from Eureka
Spring Cloud Loadbalancer Added client-side load balancing library
Spring Boot Actuator Added to refer to Spring Boot internal information


After that, you can download the skeleton by clicking GENERATE.

Step 2: Implementation (addition of annotation and description of configuration file)

I don't have much to do this time either. Only two.

First one. Annotate the Application class. You can now browse Service Discovery.


package com.example.gateway;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import; //★ Add

@EnableDiscoveryClient //★ Add
public class GatewayApplication {

	public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

The second thing to do. Write the configuration file "application.yml".


  port: ${PORT:5000}

    banner-mode: "off"
    name: gateway

        - id: account
          uri: lb://ACCOUNT-API
            - Path=/api/**
          - RewritePath=/api(?<segment>/?.*), $\{segment}
        enabled: false

        include: "*"

    prefer-ip-address: false
    registerWithEureka: false
      defaultZone: ${DISCOVERY:http://localhost:8761/eureka}

The Routes section is the definition of routing. This time, only one Route is defined, and the following is specified.

Also, for ʻeureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone`, specify the URL of Service Discovery (Eureka server).

Step 3: Docker imaging and addition to docker-component

Let's create a Docker image so that it can be manipulated with docker-compose. Place the gateway directory in the previous directory structure as shown below.

After that, create a Dockerfile and add it to docker-compose.yml.

├── account
│ └── ・ ・ ・
├── db
│   └── init
├── docker-compose.yml   <--★ Add
├── gateyway            <--★ Place
│   └── Dockerfile   <--★ Create
└── sd      
└── ・ ・ ・


FROM openjdk:11-jdk-slim
ADD target/gateway-*.jar /gateway.jar
    PORT=5000 \

ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/gateway.jar", "${OPTS_ARGS}"]


version: '3'
・ ・ ・
・ ・ ・
・ ・ ・
    image: spring-msa/gateway
    container_name: gw
      context: ./gateway
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - PORT=5000
      - DISCOVERY=http://sd:3001/eureka/,http://sd2:3002/eureka/
      - "5000:5000"
・ ・ ・
・ ・ ・

Now you are ready. After creating the JAR with mvn wrapper, create a Docker image.

$ cd discovery
$ .mvnw clean package
$ cd ..
$ docker-compose build gw

Now you can start / stop gw with docker-compose.

(Start all services)
$ docker-compose up -d
(GW stop)
$ docker-compose stop gw
(Stop and destroy all services)
$ docker-compose down
(Stop all services and destroy including Volume)
$ docker-compose down -v

Since we are binding 5000 ports on the container to 5000 ports on the host, You can access it at http: // localhost: 5000 / api / info.

If you call / api / info repeatedly as shown below, use the list of service instances returned by Service Discovery. You can see that the called ACCOUNT-API is load-balanced. Since the default algorithm of the built-in load balancer is Round Robin, the request destinations are assigned in order.

$ curl localhost:5000/api/info
$ curl localhost:5000/api/info
$ curl localhost:5000/api/info
$ curl localhost:5000/api/info
$ curl localhost:5000/api/info
$ curl localhost:5000/api/info

If something goes wrong, look at the docker log.

$ docker-compose logs -f gw

at the end

The source so far is placed below.

At this point, the foundation is finally being laid.

What I would like to try from now on is to try adding features to API Gateway. I would like to customize the load balancing algorithm and add access flow control so as not to overload the API.

When it comes to Before that, we need to prepare a little more.

I would like to be able to apply a load with a load test tool while being able to trace access and monitor containers / services.

From the next time, I would like to move forward in that area.

See you soon.

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