Create Spring Cloud Config Server with security with Spring Boot 2.0

What to make this time

スクリーンショット 2018-03-09 14.56.50.png

BASIC authentication is applied between curl and Client and between Client and Config Server. Originally, OAuth 2.0 is probably better, but that's another opportunity.

The sample code is uploaded to GitHub.


At the time of writing, Spring Cloud Finchley has not yet been officially released. Please note that the specifications may change in the future.

For the Config Server itself, see Maki-san's blog. However, please note that this is an article before the official release, so there are some differences from the current one.

Create Config repository

You can use Git or SVN as the repository. This time I will use GitHub. Click here for URL-> Please fork and use! This setting is used for all applications and all profiles.

message=Hello application!
common=common This setting is used by all applications, but only by a specific profile ("xxx" is the profile name).

message=Hello application-dev!

message=Hello application-qa!
common=common-qa This setting is used for all profiles only in the application whose name is "client".

message=Hello client!
#Used for refreshing settings/Activate the refresh endpoint
#Set the Spring Security log level to trace to make it easier to see the internal execution.

The third line, management.endpoints.web.exposure.include = refresh, is a new setting from Spring Boot 2.0. In Spring Boot 2.0, only the endpoints described in this setting are enabled (multiple comma separated). This setting is used only for specific profiles only in applications whose name is "client" ("xxx" is the profile name).

message=Hello client-dev!

message=Hello client-qa!
server.port=8083 This setting is used for all profiles only in applications whose name is "foo".

message=Hello foo!
server.port=9001 This setting is used only for specific profiles only in applications whose name is "foo" ("xxx" is the profile name).

message=Hello foo-dev!

message=Hello foo-qa!

Setting priority

If another file has a setting with the same name, it will be prioritized in the following order (the higher one will be prioritized).

  1. Application name-profile
  2. Application
  3. application-profile

Create Config Server

(1) Let's make a template with Spring Initializr. Decide "Group" and "Artifact" appropriately, and add "Config Server" and "Security" in "Dependencies".

スクリーンショット 2018-03-09 13.08.27.png

(2) Add @EnableConfigServer to the class that has the main () method.

@EnableConfigServer //Attach this
public class ConfigServerApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

(3) Create a Java Config class for Spring Security. Create one user with any user name and password and enable BASIC authentication.

public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
        // "client"Create a user
        //Do not use NoOpPasswordEncoder in production, use BCryptPasswordEncoder instead

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
        //Enable BASIC authentication so that all URLs must be authenticated before they can be accessed

As mentioned in the comments, NoOpPasswordEncoder does not encode passwords at all and should not be used in production (already deprecated in Spring Security 5). This time I'm using it for learning only.

(4) Describe the settings in

#URL of Git repository

#This Config Server port number

Make a client

(1) Let's make a template with Spring Initializr. Decide "Group" and "Artifact" appropriately, and add "Web", "Config Client", "Actuator" and "Security" in "Dependencies".

スクリーンショット 2018-03-09 13.09.59.png

(2) Create a Java Config class for Spring Security. Create two users with an arbitrary user name and password (separate roles and give them an arbitrary role name).

public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
        // "ACTUATOR"When"USER"Whenいう2つのロールのユーザーを作る
        //Don't use NoOpPasswordEncoder in production!

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
        //Enable BASIC authentication
        //Actuator endpoints can only be accessed by the ACTUATOR role,
        //Others can be accessed by any role as long as you are logged in

        //Do not disable CSRF in production!

This time we have disabled CSRF to avoid making the sample too complicated. Please do not disable it in the production environment, and obtain a token by some means before accessing with curl.

(3) Describe the settings in

#Application name for this client

#Config Server URL

#Username and password to access Config Server
#(Created with Java Config of Config Server) describes the boot settings and is only used in the Spring Cloud environment.

(4) Create an appropriate controller that returns the value obtained from Config Server. Append @RefreshScope to the class.

@RefreshScope  // "POST /actuator/refresh"Will destroy the instance of this class
public class HelloController {

    private final String message;
    private final String common;

    //Get the value obtained from Config Server with the constructor
    public HelloController(@Value("${message}") String message, @Value("${common}") String common) {
        this.message = message;
        this.common = common;

    public Map<String, String> hello() {
        HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("message", message);
        map.put("common", common);
        return map;

Start Config Server and get settings with curl

(1) Start only Config Server. (2) You can get the value of by accessing / application / default.

$ curl -X GET -u client:password http://localhost:8888/application/default | jq
  "name": "application",
  "profiles": [
  "label": null,
  "version": "e87b3c3ff0239394963e3bddf0a2982db5064339",
  "state": null,
  "propertySources": [
      "name": "",
      "source": {
        "message": "Hello application!",
        "common": "common"

(2) You can get the values of and by accessing / application / dev.

$ curl -X GET -u client:password http://localhost:8888/application/dev | jq
  "name": "application",
  "profiles": [
  "label": null,
  "version": "e87b3c3ff0239394963e3bddf0a2982db5064339",
  "state": null,
  "propertySources": [
      "name": "",
      "source": {
        "message": "Hello application-dev!",
        "common": "common-dev"
      "name": "",
      "source": {
        "message": "Hello application!",
        "common": "common"

Although not described, you can get the values of and by accessing / application / qa.

(3) You can get the values of and by accessing / client / default.

$ curl -X GET -u client:password http://localhost:8888/client/default | jq
  "name": "client",
  "profiles": [
  "label": null,
  "version": "e87b3c3ff0239394963e3bddf0a2982db5064339",
  "state": null,
  "propertySources": [
      "name": "",
      "source": {
        "message": "Hello client!",
        "server.port": "8081",
        "management.endpoints.web.exposure.include": "refresh",
        "": "trace"
      "name": "",
      "source": {
        "message": "Hello application!",
        "common": "common"

Although not described, you can get the values of and by accessing / foo / default.

(4) By accessing / client / dev, you can get the values of,,,

$ curl -X GET -u client:password http://localhost:8888/client/dev | jq
  "name": "client",
  "profiles": [
  "label": null,
  "version": "e87b3c3ff0239394963e3bddf0a2982db5064339",
  "state": null,
  "propertySources": [
      "name": "",
      "source": {
        "message": "Hello client-dev!",
        "server.port": "8082"
      "name": "",
      "source": {
        "message": "Hello application-dev!",
        "common": "common-dev"
      "name": "",
      "source": {
        "message": "Hello client!",
        "server.port": "8081",
        "management.endpoints.web.exposure.include": "refresh",
        "": "trace"
      "name": "",
      "source": {
        "message": "Hello application!",
        "common": "common"

Not listed, --You can get the values of,,, by accessing / client / qa. --You can get the values of,,, and by accessing / foo / dev. --You can get the values of,,, and by accessing / foo / qa.

Keep the Config Server running after the above checks.

Getting the value from the client

(1) Start the client without specifying any profile. (2) At startup, the client accesses Config Server with the URL tried in the previous chapter based on the application name specified in and the profile name being executed (in this case, / client. / default). Also, BASIC authentication is used for this access (user name client, password password). (3) Access localhost: 8081 / hello with curl.

$ curl -X GET -u user:password http://localhost:8081/hello | jq
  "common": "common",
  "message": "Hello client!"

"common" is the value of "message" is also defined in, but the value of is used from the priority rule. The port number 8081 that is running is also the value of

(4) Stop the client once and restart it with the dev profile. The profile is specified by a command line argument with "-" (in addition, it can be specified by environment variables, JVM system properties, etc.)

client $ mvn clean package
client $ java -jar target/client-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
client $ curl -X GET -u user:password http://localhost:8082/hello | jq
  "common": "common-dev",
  "message": "Hello client-dev!"

"common" is the value of "message" is the value of The port number 8082 that is running is also the value of

Change the value during execution

(1) Stop the currently running client and restart it without specifying a profile. (2) Use curl to access the / hello endpoint. The value of message is "Hello client!".

$ curl -X GET -u user:password http://localhost:8081/hello | jq
  "common": "common",
  "message": "Hello client!"

(3) On GitHub, rewrite the value of message in

message=Hello client!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(4) Access the / hello endpoint with curl again. The value of message remains "Hello client!" And has not changed. This is because the value changed in GitHub has not been reflected on the client side yet.

$ curl -X GET -u user:password http://localhost:8081/hello | jq
  "common": "common",
  "message": "Hello client!"

(5) Access / actuator / refresh with curl. The client then accesses the Config Server, which gets the value from GitHub and passes it to the client.

$ curl -X POST -u actuator:password http://localhost:8081/actuator/refresh | jq

Note that the username specified with -u is ʻactuator. This is a user created in Java Config on the client and a user in the ʻACTUATOR role who has permission to access/ actuator / **.

(6) When refreshed, the instance of the bean with @RefreshScope added (in this case HelloController) is destroyed. The instance is recreated the first time the bean is needed after a refresh (in this case, when you access / hello with curl), and the new settings after the change are used.

$ curl -X GET -u user:password http://localhost:8081/hello | jq
  "common": "common",
  "message": "Hello client!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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