Catch Ctrl-C in Python

A search for how to catch Ctrl-C (SIGINT) in Python often hits the way using the signal module, but it's a TIPS that makes it easier.

In conclusion, it's okay to catch the KeyboardInterrupt exception.

Code when using KeyboardInterrupt:

    while True:  #Some heavy processing(For or while. .. ..)
        pass  #Here, Ctrl-Write the process you want to stop with C
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # Ctrl-I caught C!
    # print('interrupted!')
    pass  #If you need any special cleanup, write here
    #Sys if you kill the program at this point.exit
#All you have to do is write normal processing, but Ctrl-Note that it is very bad manners to squeeze C and continue processing.


Strictly speaking, KeyboardInterrupt doesn't seem to catch SIGINT for background jobs that are detached from the shell, but I think it's okay to use KeyboardInterrupt first in normal situations. (Reference:

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