[PYTHON] Summary of sites where you can learn programming online

I will summarize what I wrote in Notepad. I think there are still many, but for the time being.


Programming to the cloud-Learning & development environment Web service 23 selection summary http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/1402/24/news026.html 2014/02/26 added, wonderful. Already need this entry? w


Programmin http://www.mext.go.jp/programin/ Ministry of education

scratch http://scratch.mit.edu/ Previously, there was something similar for Android.

Programming basics http://www.programmingbasics.org/ja/ Only the entrance can be in Japanese. The rest is explained with a mysterious manga w


Dot install http://dotinstall.com/ I feel like I understand.

Study Tech http://www.studytech.jp/ Make an iPhone application, make a web service with PHP, make a web service with Ruby.

Paiza http://paiza.jp/ Code and change jobs

Code Academy (partially in Japanese) http://www.codecademy.com/ JavaScript,HTML/CSS,PHP,Python,Ruby,APIs

Mini Tsuku http://www.minituku.net/ Increase your knowledge and understanding of Ruby technology.

2016/05/12 added CodeIQ https://codeiq.jp/

Foreign language

Code School https://www.codeschool.com/ Ruby,JavaScript,HTML/CSS,iOS I haven't tried it very much, but when I tried node.js a little, it seems to be interactive and interesting.

Coding Bat http://codingbat.com/ Java and Python, plain screen, but with lots of exercises. Bring it to strengthen your foundation

TopCoder http://www.topcoder.com/ Aim for Red Coder


http://codepad.org/ Can be coded in a browser C,C++,D,Haskell,Lua,OCaml,PHP,Perl,Plain Text,Python,Ruby,Scheme,Tcl

Compile Online http://compileonline.com/ Online compiler for all languages

The Hello World Collection http://www.roesler-ac.de/wolfram/hello.htm Hello World collection in all languages

Cloud IDE https://c9.io/

2016/05/12 added LearnGitBranching http://k.swd.cc/learnGitBranching-ja/ You can interactively learn how to use Git.

If I find it again, I will add it as needed.

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