[Python] BFS (breadth-first search) ABC007C

ABC1007C There is a very easy-to-understand explanation in the problem statement. reference BFS (Breadth-first Search) Super Introduction! ~ Use the queue vividly ~

Sample code

from collections import deque

# (sx, sy)From(gx, gy)Find the shortest distance to
#If you can't reach it, inf (not expected to be output)
def bfs():
    #Initialize all point distances with inf
    d = [[float("inf")] * m for i in range(n)]

    #Vector in 4 directions of movement
    dx = [1, 0, -1, 0]
    dy = [0, 1, 0, -1]

    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(m):
            #Set start and goal in map information
            if maze[i][j] == "S":
                sx = i
                sy = j
            if maze[i][j] == "G":
                gx = i
                gy = j

    #Queue the starting point and set the distance to that point to 0
    que = deque([])
    que.append((sx, sy))
    d[sx][sy] = 0

    #Loop until the BFS body queue is empty
    while que:
        #Extract the beginning of the queue
        p = que.popleft()
        #If the state you took out is the goal, stop searching
        if p[0] == gx and p[1] == gy:
        #Loop in 4 directions
        for i in range(4):
            #The point after moving(nx, ny)To
            nx = p[0] + dx[i]
            ny = p[1] + dy[i]

            #Judgment whether it is possible to move and whether it has already been visited
            # d[nx][ny] !=I have visited inf
            if 0 <= nx < n and 0 <= ny < m and maze[nx][ny] != "#" and d[nx][ny] == float("inf"):
                #Queue if you can move, and set the distance of that point to the distance from p+Confirm with 1
                que.append((nx, ny))
                d[nx][ny] = d[p[0]][p[1]] + 1

    return d[gx][gy]

n, m = map(int, input().split())
#Read as a list of lists
maze = [list(input()) for i in range(n)]


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