[Python] Search (itertools) ABC167C


Search using itertools In many cases, full bit search is recommended for search, but I think that it is more practical to use itertools for Python. Summary of all enumerations that can be done with itertools in Python

Sample code

import itertools

N, M, X = list(map(int, input().split()))
a = [list( map( int, input().split() ) ) for i in range(N)]

for x in itertools.product([0,1], repeat=2):
  cost = 0
  level = [] * M
  judge = True
  ans = 1234567
  for i in range(N):
    if a[i] == 1:
      cost += a[i][0]
      level = [y + z for (y, z) in zip(level, a[i][1:])]
  for j in range(M):
    if any(level[k] < x for k in range(M)):
      judge = False
  if judge:
    ans = min(ans, cost)

if ans == 1234567:

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