[LINUX] Try creating a FizzBuzz problem with a shell program


I created it as a small story of Bash programming. I am writing an article at a rapid pace for some reason. By the way, this is the third installment.

What is FizzBuzz?

For FizzBuzz, please check here. Count up from 1

--Display "Fizz" when divisible by 3 --Display "Buzz" when divisible by 5 --Display "FizzBuzz" when it is divisible by both

And so on.



echo -n "Please input number => "
read num

for i in $(seq 1 ${num})
  if (( $i % 3 == 0 && $i % 5 == 0 ))
    echo "FizzBuzz"
  else if (( $i % 3 == 0))
      echo "Fizz"
    else if (( $i % 5 == 0 ))
        echo "Buzz"
      echo $i
  sleep 1

Execution result

$ ./fizzbuzz.sh
Please input number => 15

At the end

You can make it by applying a program that becomes aho when there are multiples of 3 and a character string of 3.

By creating this program

--Algorithm --Conditional expression --Conditional operator --read command

I understand.

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