Oracle Select SQL date parameters take time

When I bind the parameter of sql.Date to the SQL statement and search with jdbc, the time information is attached due to an unknown cause.

PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(SELECT sm.sime_cd FROM srw_syainmst sm WHERE sm.sya_id = ? and sm.sdate <= ?); java.sql.Date NowDate = new java.sql.Date(Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime()); ps.setLong(1, 1234l); ps.setDate(2, NowDate); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();

Looking at the execution history of oracle v \ $ sqlarea and v \ $ sql_bind_capture, The parameter for the second date would be something like [value_string = 01/26/2018 12:48:58].

I have no idea why this happened. Please help everyone. : dizzy_face:

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