Date and time

It's a compilation for personal study

Date and time

Java SE 8 adds a new API for handling dates and times



Class that manages ** dates **


** Class that manages time without time zone ** Time can be represented to nanosecond accuracy


Class to change to the specified ** date pattern ** There are three types: "predefined standard formatter", "locally specific formatter", and "formatter with custom pattern" (more complex formatter provided by ** DateTimeFormatterBuilder **).


Class that manages ** time difference **


A class that manages ** date differences **


** Class that manages time with time zone **


of method

Method used when instantiating by specifying the date

now method

Method to use when you want to instantiate at the current time

parse method

A method that converts a string date into date and time information.

format method

Method to convert date information to string Predefined standard formatters are defined in ** java.time.format. DateTimeFormatter class **

Formatter Example
ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME 2019-12-13T00:00:00+09:00[Asia/Tokyo]
ISO_INSTANT 2019-12-12T15:00:00Z
ISO_DATE_TIME 2019-12-13T00:00:00

-** ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME ** and ** ISO_INSTANT ** are the formatters of ** ZonedDateTime **, which represent the time with zones.

until method

** LocalDate ** is a method to calculate ** date difference **, ** LocalTime ** is a method to calculate ** time difference **

between method

** Period ** is a method that calculates ** date difference **, ** Duration ** is a method that calculates ** time difference **

toDays, toHours, toMinutes, toMillis, toNanos methods

** Durtion ** has methods for each unit you want to get the time difference, such as day, hour, minute, second, nanosecond.

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