Jupyter Notebook is very useful.
Go to any folder in the terminal and enter the jupyter notebook
command to open a new tab in the foreground browser window.
This is fine, but I want the browser to open a new window automatically.
Create config file
jupyter notebook --generate-config
Then, in the case of Mac, a config file will be created in the invisible folder ".jupyter" in the Home directory.
Rewrite the item of "c.NotebookApp.browser" in jupyter_notebook_config.py.
It is assumed that you are using Chrome. It is assumed that Chrome is installed under / Application.
Since it is commented out, uncomment it
c.NotebookApp.browser = '/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome %s --new-window'
will do.
This will open a new window when you launch Jupyter Notebook.
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