For those who want to use the deep learning framework Chainer for the first time and those who want to do image processing, language processing, etc. using Chainer, I have compiled various pages about Chainer. A brief summary of each page is also provided. I hope it will be useful for those who have too much information and do not know what to look for.
In the basic version, a page using the sample program that comes with Chainer, In the practical edition, we will mainly introduce pages that use MLP, RNN, and CNN for image classification, image recognition, and natural language generation.
-Chainer Official Website -[Install CHAINER 1.5.1 on UBUNTU 14.04]( installed on ubuntu14-04 /) -Neural network starting with Chainer
How to get sample programs from the installation of Chainer, explanation of functions, etc. Quite detailed.
Explanation of program changes and problems when using example / mnist to perform regression problems.
Program changes when doing regression problems using example / mnist.
Implement mnist classification using Convolutional Neural Network.
You can see the results when learning with some changes in example / mnist.
Detailed explanation of example / mnist. A description of the functions implemented in chainer.
The functions of example / ptb / are explained in detail with comments.
Described the code to generate sentences using the model learned using example / ptb /
It explains the GPU driver settings and sample code from the installation of chainer. The version of chainer may be a little old.
Described the code to generate a sentence using the model learned using
From the ease of ImageNet dataset to the explanation of Convolutional Neural Network.
Image classification using flickr style dataset.
Multilayer perceptron
Create one hot vector for each word to classify documents as positive or negative
Determine if you are obese using your height (cm), weight (kg), and chest circumference (cm)
Learning logical operators XOR and AND
Learning the logical operator XOR
Learning the logical operator XOR
Recurrent neural network chainer-char-rnn Code that implements a character-level language model in Chainer
Obtained Osamu Dazai's novel data from Aozora Bunko and learned the language model. Text generation is performed using the learned model.
Encoder-Implementation of translation model using Decoder.
Learn RNNs using anime dialogue data.
Convolutional Neural Network
Use the distributed representation vector of words learned in word2vec to classify documents as positive or negative.
Described the data preprocessing and model explanation from the method of acquiring anime face data.
Classify images into 10 classes using the CIFAR-10 dataset.
Classify images into 10 classes using the CIFAR-10 dataset. The explanation of the code is easy to understand.
If you have a recommended web page, please let me know.
-** Posted the first draft (2016/04/06) ** -** Added summary of some sites (2016/04/07) ** -** Added a summary of some sites (2016/04/10) ** -** Updated Implementation (Multilayer Perceptron) (2016/04/10) ** -** Updated language model (ptb) (2016/04/14) ** -** Updated Convolutional Neural Network (2016/07/03) ** -** Introduction updated (2016/12/10) ** -** Added summary of some sites (2016/12/10) ** --Updated from time to time ...
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