Introduce graphviz into a portable python environment


graphviz is also used in scikit-learn, A library for drawing graphs (trees).

If you use the library without installing this graphviz, ...


FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2]The specified file could not be found.


graphviz.backend.ExecutableNotFound: failed to execute ['dot', '-Tpng', '-O', 'binary_tree'], make sure the Graphviz executables are on your systems' PATH

I get angry because I can't find dot.exe in graphviz.

That's why I will introduce graphviz this time, As you can see from the tag, we will introduce it portablely using WinPython this time as well.

Installation procedure

This procedure is

It will be carried out at.

Download graphviz

A download page for Windows is available.


If you want to install without thinking, you can choose the installer format of "graphviz-2.38.msi". I hate using the installer to pollute my system I downloaded ** "" ** for portable installation.

installation of graphviz

First, extract the downloaded earlier to the t folder where you extracted WinPython.


Looking inside the unfolded ...


There is dot.exe!

So, I will add this folder to my PATH. However, as I say many times, it pollutes the system, so make sure that the PATH is passed only when running WinPython.

It is used in such a case The {winpythonInstallDir} \ settingts \ winpython.ini file.


Add PATH here. The PATH to add is {winpythonInstallDir} \ t \ graphviz-2.38 \ release \ bin \, Since the path of the folder where WinPython is expanded is stored in the environment variable WINPYDIRBASE, To add D: \ Applications \ WPy64-3810 \ t \ graphviz-2.38 \ release \ bin \, write as follows.


Note that if you add PATH without using WINPYDIRBASE, you will not be able to use it when you move the WinPython folder. (If you put it in a USB memory and carry the environment, the drive letter will change.)

Operation check

Now let's check if the dot.exe in question can be used.


Double-click WinPython Command Prompt.exe to run the dot -v command.


thumbs up.

Can also be used with Jupyter

I tried graphviz with reference to this article ↓


in conclusion

WinPython, my favorite Python distribution!

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