Make Python built with jhbuild work on OSX


Refer to GTK + Download: Mac OS X I built Gimp with jhbuild.

Make Python built with jhbuild work on OSX

If you do the following normally, you will be addicted to various things later.

~/.local/bin/jhbuild build python

At least, it's a good idea to start your PATH only with / bin: / usr / bin: / sbin.

If you don't use Homebrew openssl

Even if you pull out / usr / local / bin in PATH and specify ~ / gtk / inst in prefix

It will detect openssl in / usr / local / include and / usr / local / lib and try to use it, so delete the link.

brew unlink openssl

When using Homebrew openssl

Python itself uses Homebrew's openssl You can create and run it, but while installing other Gtk + related libraries Quite annoying things happen. (I don't recommend this method because it happened)

jhbuild shell

Enter the shell with

When executing python configure

CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib ./configure --prefix ~/gtk/inst --libdir ~/gtk/inst/lib --enable-shared

Add CFLAGS and LDFLAGS as in.

Change python link settings

Since the Python itself is set to refer to Apple's genuine Python library, Change this with install_name_tool.

cd ~/gtk/inst/bin
install_name_tool -change /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python ~/gtk/inst/lib/libpython2.7.dylib python

Tragedy that happens if you do not do this work

--Import md5 cannot be done without clearing around openssl --When I import some module, the thread dies with an error.

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