Initial setting of Mac ~ Python (pyenv) installation is the fastest

table of contents

  1. Purpose
  2. Environment
  3. Various settings / installation
    3.1 Trackpad settings
    3.2 Keyboard settings
    3.3 dock settings
    3.4 Display settings
    3.5 Sound effect settings
    3.6 Introduced karabiner
    3.7 clipy installation 3.8 chrome installation
    3.9 iterm2 installation / configuration
    3.10 Homebrew installation
    3.11 pyenv installation
    3.12 vscode installation
  4. At the end

1. Purpose

The failed Mac was initialized and returned, so I built a python environment. At the same time, we changed the default settings on the Mac. I will keep a memorandum of the various settings and installation procedures that were performed at that time.

2. Environment

3. Various settings

3.1 Trackpad settings

First, change the trackpad settings because the pointer is slow and stressful. Since I want to enable "drag with 3 fingers", I set swipe etc. to operate with basic 4 fingers.

--Trackpad Settings (System Preferences> Trackpad) --Pointer and click --Startup speed: Fast --Examine & Data Detection: Tap with 3 fingers --Tap to click: Tap with one finger --Other gestures --Swipe between pages: uncheck --Mission Control: Swipe left or right with four fingers --Application Expose: Swipe down with four fingers --Three-finger drag settings (System Preferences> Trackpad) --Pointer Control> Trackpad Options --Enable dragging: Three-finger drag

3.2 Keyboard settings

Since the key repeat is slow, shorten it. At the same time, add Japanese to the keyboard input.

--Keyboard settings (system settings> keyboard) --Keyboard --Key repeat: Fast --Time to repeat input recognition: Fast --Input source --Added Japanese

3.3 Dock settings

Change the Dock so that it is not always visible. At the same time, the apps registered by default are rarely used, so delete them from the dock except for the finder.

--Dock Settings (System Preferences> Dock) --Automatically show / hide Dock: Check --Make the window an application icon: uncheck

3.4 Sound effect settings

When you delete a file etc., the sound effect is emitted one by one and it is stressful, so do not make the sound effect.

--Sound effect settings (System Preferences> Sound) --Sound effects --Play user interface sound effects: uncheck

3.5 Display settings

In the initial state, it takes a short time to turn off the display (certainly 5 minutes), so extend it. I set it to 30 minutes.

--Display settings (system settings> energy saving) --Time to turn off the display: 20 minutes --Sleep hard disk as much as possible: uncheck

3.6 Introduced karaniner

Switching to Japanese input on the US board is a bit annoying by default, so install karabiner early. Please refer to this site.

-How to switch Japanese input with "Karabiner" using US keyboard on Mac

3.7 clipy installation

clipy is a very easy-to-use app that allows you to keep a history of your clipboard. Highly recommended for those who are not using it. Install by referring to the following site.

-[MAC] Downloading and using Clipy [Time saving for work]

3.8 Installing Chrome

I like this one, but I love Chrome so I will install it.

3.9 iterm2 installation shell change

iterm2 hotkey is extremely convenient and I want to use it, so install it. Install and make various settings by referring to the following site.

-Recommended settings for iTerm2-Efficient terminal work- -It's a waste not to use iTerm2 Hotkey! !!

Then change the shell to zsh. Since becoming Catalina, it is possible to switch to zsh with a single ?? command.

The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit

Next, set the prompt. I like it, but I've changed it to look like this:

--Insert a line break after executing the command --Display time --Green current directory スクリーンショット 2020-11-24 22.25.12.png

Create a .zshrc and write the following:


# prompt
%F{green}[%~]%f %# '

Also, I personally want to do ls at the same time as cd, so write the function as follows and paste the alias.


# cdls
function cdls() {
  \cd "$@" && ls
alias cd=cdls

3.10 Homebrew installation

Install Homebrew.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

3.11 Install pyenv

Install pyenv.

brew install pyenv

Write the following in .zshrc.


export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"

Install python using pyenv.

pyenv install 3.7.5

3.12 VScode installation

Installing python takes time, so install vscode in the meantime. Please refer to the following site.

-Procedure to install Visual Studio Code on MacOS

4. At the end

The python environment is now ready. It took less than an hour, depending on the environment. I also installed AWS SDK and GCP SDK, but for the time being, I did not describe it because it is a summary of the minimum python environment. For the various installation parts, I fully referred to other sites. Thank you very much.


How to switch Japanese input with "Karabiner" using US keyboard on Mac [MAC] Downloading and using Clipy [Time saving for work] Recommended settings for iTerm2-Efficient terminal work- It's a waste not to use iTerm2 Hotkey! !! Procedure to install Visual Studio Code on MacOS

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