[PYTHON] "Gazpacho", a scraping module that can be used more easily than Beautiful Soup

I'd like to introduce a Python module called gazpacho that I recently learned.

What is gazpacho

gazpacho is a "simple, fast, modern library for web scraping".

gazpacho is a simple, fast, and modern web scraping library. The library is stable, actively maintained, and installed with zero dependencies. (https://pypi.org/project/gazpacho/)

The number of stars is still minor at 400, so I think it's best to keep it for personal use.


--You can get and analyze HTML with this one library. --When using BeautifulSoup etc., you had to get the HTML first with requests etc. —— Fewer methods to remember --Analyze with one find command --No modules depend on

How to use

First, install the module.

pip install gazpacho

I will scrape and output the title of the book from the following site featured in the tutorial.


from gazpacho import get, Soup

#Get HTML based on the specified URL
html = get('https://scrape.world/books')

#Create an instance for analysis
soup = Soup(html)

#Get the elements you need. List if more than one is found[Soup]Returns (Soup for singular)
#The first argument is an HTML tag
#The second argument is the specification of id and class
#Whether the third specification allows partial match
#In the example, the class is"book-"Because it is"book-early"Etc. match
books = soup.find('div', {'class': 'book-'}, partial=True)

for book in books:
    name_header = book.find('h4')
    #The text field contains the contents of the tag
    name = name_header.text


Personally, I use it properly as shown below.

  1. Easy scraping-> use gazpacho
  2. Difficult with gazpacho (*)-> selenium (chromedriver-library) Use BeautifulSoup to do something

The module itself of gazpacho is simple, so I'm thinking of finding time to read it.

I hope more people will read and use this article!

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