[PYTHON] Memo about Sphinx Part 1 (Creating a project)

Sphinx is a documentation tool written in Python. Unlike Word, you can write documents like a program. Sphinx Japan Users Association Page

Procedure memo of how to make a project and how to build.


OS:Mac OS X 10.9.5 Python:Ver.2.7.7

How to make a project

$ sphinx-quickstart
・ ・ ・
#Project name and author name.
The project name will occur in several places in the built documentation.
> Project name: #Project title
> Author name(s): #Author name
・ ・ ・
#Project version
Sphinx has the notion of a "version" and a "release" for the
software. Each version can have multiple releases. For example, for
Python the version is something like 2.5 or 3.0, while the release is
something like 2.5.1 or 3.0a1.  If you don't need this dual structure,
just set both to the same value.
> Project version: 2014.09.27
> Project release [2010.09.27]:
・ ・ ・

How to build

Output in HTML

$ make html

HTML is generated in the _build / html folder. Open ** index.html ** and you have a document.

Output with epub

$ make epub

Generated in the _build / epub folder.

Output in Latex format

$ make latex

Generated in the _build / latex folder.

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