python Environmentally-friendly Japanese setting

A dressed pyenv

pyenv python-like package management tool. Can-upaya land safety management multi-individual edition Python, free territory of free land conversion demand edition. Similar to ruby-like package management tool rbenv

$ brew install pyenv

Gekisei shims Wakai 启 Automatic 补 All command function

$ echo 'if which pyenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(pyenv init -)"; fi' >> ~/.bash_profile

~ / .pyenv / shims Included in the text, syllabary shell script, transparent syllabary script, syllabary, syllabary, syllabary

Azusa python

确认 Can cheap edition

$ pyenv install -l

Cheap demand edition book

$ pyenv install 2.7.10
$ pyenv install 3.4.3

Complete edition of the book

$ pyenv versions

Demanding edition

$ pyenv global 2.7.10

Heavy bash, python version of the book

$ python --version

Specific texts, setting specific python version

$ pyenv local 3.4.3

Passing pyenv python-like time, pip tool yakai one-to-one safety, can direct use

python foot management tool

虽 认 认 认 认 认 Easy_install, however, pip favorably, kaiyu ichi bug, lawless identification, affairs, etc. Basically easy_install is just a pip-like time.

$ sudo easy_install pip

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