In the error correction model (ECM) introduced by Granger, Newbold (1974) and Yule (1936), the data being analyzed has a long-term stochastic trend known as cointegration. Error correction expresses that deviations or errors from long-term equilibrium affect short-term dynamics. If the economic time series contains unit roots, the time series is unsteady. Two unsteady and unrelated time series may show a significant relationship when using the least squares method in regression analysis. The error correction model analyzes the effects between long-term and short-term time series data and predicts the time it takes for the dependent variable to return to equilibrium, but the Engel-Granger method has many problems. Johansen has announced a vector error correction model (VECM) to solve the problem. VECM is an error correction model with the concept of a vector autoregressive model (VAR), which is one of the multiple time series models that assume bidirectional causality. Therefore, the vector error correction model is also one of the multiple time series models.
An error correction model (ECM) is a multiple time series model in which multiple underlying variables are used for data with long-term stochastic trends called cointegrations. ECM helps estimate the short-term and long-term effects of one time series on another, and is theoretically supported. The error correction captures the fact that the early error from the long-term equilibrium affects the short-term dynamics. Therefore, ECM can directly estimate the rate at which the dependent variable returns to equilibrium after changes in other variables.
Yule (1936) and Granger and Newbold (1974) first focused on the problem of fake correlation and found a solution in time series analysis. In two completely unrelated sum (non-stationary) processes, one tends to show a statistically significant relationship with respect to the other by regression analysis. Therefore, it can be mistaken that there is a true relationship between these variables. The usual least squares method is inconsistent and commonly used test statistics are not valid. In particular, Monte Carlo simulations have shown that very high $ R ^ 2 $, individually very high t-statistics, and low Durbin-Watson statistics are obtained. Technically speaking, Phillips (1986) proves that as the sample size increases, the parameter estimates do not stochastically converge, the intercept diverges, and the gradient becomes a non-degenerate distribution. However, because it reflects the long-term relationships between these variables, it is possible that there is a common stochastic trend in both time series that the researcher is really interested in.
Due to the stochastic nature of the trend, the integration process cannot be divided into a deterministic (predictable) trend and a stationary time series containing deviations from the trend. Even a random walk with the deterministic trend removed will eventually show a fake correlation. Therefore, trend removal does not solve the estimation problem. In the Box-Jenkins method, in many time series (economics, etc.), it is generally considered that the first-order difference is steady, and the difference of the time series data is taken to estimate a model such as ARIMA. Forecasts from such models reflect the periodicity and seasonality of the data, however, the long-term adjustment information of the level (original series, price) is lost and the long-term forecasts become unreliable. As a result, Sargan (1964) developed an ECM methodology that retains the information contained in the level.
Several methods are known for estimating the sophisticated dynamic model as described above. Among these are the Engle and Granger two-step approach and the vector-based VECM using Johansen's method of estimating ECM in one step.
The first step is to test in advance whether the individual time series used are non-stationary. Use the standard unit root DF and ADF tests (to solve the problem of series correlation error). Consider the case of two different time series $ x_ {t} $ and $ y_ {t} $. If both are I (0), standard regression analysis is valid. For sums of different orders, for example, if one is I (1) and the other is I (0), then the model needs to be transformed. If both are sums of the same order (usually I (1)), then an ECM model of the form can be estimated:
If both are cointegrations and this ECM exists, they are said to be cointegrations by the Engle–Granger representation theorem. Next, we estimate the model $ y_ {t} = \ beta_ {0} + \ beta_ {1} x_ {t} + \ varepsilon_ {t} $ using the usual least squares method. If the regression is not masquerading as determined by the test criteria above, not only is the usual least squares valid, but it is actually super-matching (Stock, 1987). Then save the predicted residuals $ \ hat {\ varepsilon_ {t}} = y_ {t}-\ beta_ {0}-\ beta_ {1} x_ {t} $ from this regression, and the diff variable and delay Used for regression of error term.
Then test the cointegration using the standard t-statistic of $ \ alpha $. This method is easy, but it has a number of problems.
-The statistical detection power of the univariate unit root test used in the first stage is low. --The selection of the dependent variable in the first stage affects the test result. That is, $ x_ {t} $, determined by Granger's causality, has weak exogenous properties. --May have a potentially small sample bias. -The $ \ alpha $ cointegration test does not follow the standard distribution. --The distribution of the OLS estimator of the cointegration vector is very complicated and not normally distributed. Therefore, the validity of the long-term parameters in the first regression of obtaining the residuals cannot be verified. --Only one cointegration relationship can be examined.
VECM The Engle-Granger approach described above has many weaknesses. That is, one variable is restricted to only a single equation designated as the dependent variable. This variable is explained by another variable that is supposed to be weakly exogenous to the parameter of interest. Also, check whether the time series is I (0) or I (1) by pretest. These weaknesses can be addressed by Johansen's method. The advantage is that no pretests are required, there is no problem with a large number of cointegration relationships, all are treated as endogenous variables, and tests related to long-term parameters are possible. As a result, the model adds error correction capabilities to the exogenous model known as vector autoregressive (VAR) and is known as the vector error correction model (VECM). The procedure is as follows.
Step 1: Estimate an unconstrained VAR that may contain transient variables Step 2: Cointegration test using Johansen's test Step 3: Create and analyze VECM.
The idea of cointegration can be shown by a simple macroeconomic example. It is assumed that consumption $ C_ {t} $ and disposable income $ Y_ {t} $ are macroeconomic time series with long-term relationships. Specifically, the average consumption tendency is set to 90%. In other words, $ C_ {t} = 0.9Y_ {t} $ holds in the long run. From the econometric point of view, the error from regression $ \ varepsilon_ {t} (= C_ {t}-\ beta Y_ {t}) $ is the steady time series, $ Y_ {t} $ and $ C_ {t} If $ is non-stationary, then this long-term relationship (also known as cointegration) exists. Also, if $ Y_ {t} $ suddenly changes by $ \ Delta Y_ {t} $, it is assumed that $ C_ {t} $ changes. $ \ Delta C_ {t} = 0.5 \ Delta Y_ {t} $, that is, the marginal consumption tendency is 50%. The final assumption is that the gap between current consumption and equilibrium consumption is reduced by 20% over each period.
With this setting, change the consumption level $ \ Delta C_ {t} = C_ {t} --C_ {t-1} $ to $ \ Delta C_ {t} = 0.5 \ Delta Y_ {t} -0.2 (C_ {t) -1} -0.9Y_ {t-1}) + \ varepsilon_ {t} $.
The first term of RHS explains the short-term effect of changes in $ Y_ {t} $ on $ C_ {t} $, the second term explains the long-term relationship of variables towards equilibrium, and the third. The term reflects a random shock to the system, such as a shock of consumer confidence that affects consumption.
To see how the model works, consider two types of shocks, permanent and temporary. For simplicity, zero $ \ varepsilon_ {t} $ for every t.
Suppose the system is in equilibrium for period t − 1. That is, $ C_ {t-1} = 0.9Y_ {t-1} $.
Suppose $ Y_ {t} $ increases by 10 in period t, but then returns to the previous level. In that case, $ C_ {t} $ increases by 5 (half of 10) at the beginning (period t), but in the second and subsequent periods, $ C_ {t} $ begins to decrease and converges to the initial level.
In contrast, if the impact on $ Y_ {t} $ is permanent, $ C_ {t} $ slowly converges to a value greater than 9 above the initial $ C_ {{t-1}} $.
We think that the value of a specific economic variable is the realization value of a random variable for a specific period, and the time series is generated by a stochastic process. To clarify the basic concept, let's take a quick look at some basic definitions and expressions.
Ω is a set of all basic events (sample space), and (Ω, F, Pr) is a probability space. F is the sigma algebra of the event, or the complement of Ω, and Pr is the probability measure defined by F. The random variable y is a real-valued function $ A_c $ = {ω ∈ Ω | y (ω) ≤ c} ∈ F defined by Ω for each real number c, and $ A_c $ has a probability defined by Pr. It is an event to be done. The function F: R → [0, 1] is defined by $ F (c) = Pr (A_c) $ and is a distribution function of $ y $.
The K-dimensional random vector or the random variable K-dimensional vector is a function from Ω to y in the K-dimensional Euclidean space $ R ^ K $. That is, y maps $ y (ω) = (y_1 (ω), ..., y_K (ω)) ^ \ prime $ to ω ∈ Ω, respectively, $ c = (c_1, ..., c_K ) ∈ R_K $, $ A_c = {ω | y_1 (ω) ≤ c_1, \ cdots, y_K (ω) ≤ c_K} ∈ F $. Function F: RK → [0,1] is defined by $ F (c) = Pr (A_c) $ and is a joint distribution of y functions.
Suppose Z is a set of subscripts with up to countless elements, eg, a set of all integers or all positive integers. The (discrete) stochastic process is a real-valued function of y: Z × Ω → R, which is determined every t ∈ Z, and y (t, ω) is a random variable. The random variable corresponding to t is shown as $ y_t $, and the underlying probability space is not mentioned. In that case, we consider that all members $ y_t $ of the stochastic process are defined in the same probability space. Usually, if the meaning of a symbol is clear from the context, the stochastic process is also indicated by $ y_t $.
The stochastic process is described as a joint distribution function of all finite subsets of $ y_t $ when t ∈ S ⊂ Z. In practice, the complete system of distribution is often unknown, so we often use the first and second moments of the distribution. That is, we use the mean $ E (y_t) = \ mu_t $, the variance $ E [y_t- \ mu_t ^ 2] $, and the covariance $ E [(y_t- \ mu_t) (y_s- \ mu_s)] $.
The K-dimensional vector stochastic process or multivariate stochastic process is a function of y: Z × Ω → $ R ^ K $, and for each determined t ∈ Z, y (t, ω) is a K-dimensional probability vector. .. Use $ y_t $ for the probability vector corresponding to the determined t ∈ Z. Also, the complete stochastic process may be represented by $ y_t $. This particular meaning becomes clear from the context. The stochastic properties are the same as in the univariate process. That is, the stochastic properties are summarized as a joint distribution function of all finite complement families of the probability vector $ y_t $. In practice, first-order and second-order moments derived from all related random variables are used.
The realization of the (vector) stochastic process is the (vector) sequence set $ y_t (\ omega) $ for ω fixed by t ∈ Z. In other words, the realization value of the stochastic process is the function Z → $ R ^ K $ of t → $ y_t $ (ω). Time series (s) are considered such realizations or, in some cases, finite parts of such realizations. That is, for example, it is composed of (vector) $ y_1 (\ omega), \ dots, y_T (\ omega) $. The underlying stochastic process is thought to have generated the time series (s) and is called the time series generation or generation process, or data generation process (DGP). The time series $ y_1 (\ omega), \ cdots, y_T (\ omega) $ is usually indicated by $ y_1, \ cdots, y_T $, or simply the underlying stochastic process $ y_t $ if there is no confusion. Is done. The number T of observations is called the sample size or the length of the time series.
Since linear functions are easy to handle, we start by predicting past observations with linear functions. Consider the univariate time series $ y_t $ and $ h = 1 $ future forecast. If f (・) is a linear function,
Considering multiple time series, first
To simplify the notation, $ y_t = (y_ {1t}, \ cdots, y_ {Kt}), \ hat {y_t}: = (\ hat {y_ {1t}}, \ cdots, \ hat {y_ {Kt}}), \ nu = (\ nu_1, \ cdots, \ nu_K) $ and
Since $ y_t $ is a vector of random variables, this predictor is the best prediction obtained from a vector autoregressive model of the form:
VAR (p) model (VAR model of degree p)
think about. $ y_t = (y_ {1t}, \ cdots, y_ {Kt}) ^ \ prime $ is a random variable (K × 1) vector, $ A_i $ is fixed by a (K × K) coefficient matrix, and $ \ nu = (\ nu_1, \ cdots, \ nu_K) ^ \ prime $ is fixed by the (K × K) coefficient matrix and has a section that can be a non-zero mean $ E (y_t) $. Therefore, $ u_t = (u_ {1t}, \ cdots, u_ {Kt}) ^ \ prime $ is K-dimensional white noise or an innovation process. That is, $ s \ net $, $ E (u_t) = 0, E (u_tu_t ^ \ prime) = \ sum_u, E (u_tu_s ^ \ prime) = 0 $. Unless otherwise stated, the covariance matrix Σu is a non-singular matrix.
Let us consider the process of (2.1.1) a little more. To understand the meaning of the model, consider the VAR (1) model.
If this generation mechanism is repeated from $ t = 1 $
Therefore, the vector $ y_1, \ cdots, y_t $ is uniquely determined by $ y_0, u_1, \ cdots, u_t $. The joint distribution of $ y_1, \ cdots, y_t $ is determined by the joint distribution of $ y_0, u_1, \ cdots, u_t $.
Sometimes it is assumed that the process starts at a specific period, but sometimes it is more convenient to start from an infinite past. In reality, (2.1.1) corresponds to this. If so, what is the process consistent with the mechanism in (2.1.1)? To consider this problem, reconsider the VAR (1) process in (2.1.2). From (2.1.3)
If the coefficients of all eigenvalues of $ A_1 $ are less than 1, then the process of $ A ^ i_1 $, $ i = 0,1, \ cdots $, can be added absolutely. Therefore, infinite sum
Has a root mean square. Also,
Furthermore, $ A_1 ^ {j + 1} $ rapidly converges to zero as $ j → \ infinity $, so the term $ A_1 ^ {j + 1} y_ {t−j−1} $ is ignored in the limit. Will be done. Therefore, if the coefficients of all eigenvalues of $ A_1 $ are less than 1, $ y_t $ is the VAR (1) process of (2.1.2) and $ y_t $ is the well-defined stochastic process.
The distribution and joint distribution of $ y_t $ are uniquely determined by the distribution of the process of $ u_t $. The first and second moments of the process of $ y_t $ are for all $ t $
It can be seen that it is. And
Because, in the case of $ s \ net $, $ E (u_tu_s ^ \ prime) = 0 $, and in all $ t $, $ E (u_t u_t) = \ sum_u $.
$ det(I_K − A_1z) \ne 0 \ \ \ \ \ (2.1.7)$
Will be. The process $ y_t $ of t = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ... can also be defined if the stability condition (2.1.7) is not met, but it is defined for all t ∈ Z We don't do that here because we always assume the stability of the process.
Is there really an equilibrium among many economic variables, such as household income and spending, and the price of the same commodity in different markets? The target variable is the vector $ y_t = (y_ {1t}, ..., y_ {Kt}) ^ \ prime $, and their long-term equilibrium relationship is $ \ beta y_t = \ beta_1y_ {1t} + ··· · + \ Beta_Ky_ {Kt} = 0) ^ \ prime $. Here, $ \ beta = (\ beta_1, ..., \ beta_K) ^ \ prime $. Over time, this relationship may not be met exactly. Let $ z_t $ be a random variable representing the deviation from the equilibrium, and assume that $ \ beta y_t = z_t $ holds. If the equilibrium is actually established, the variables $ y_t $ are considered to change with each other and $ z_t $ is considered to be stable. However, with this setting, the variable $ y_t $ can wander extensively as a group. It may be driven by a common stochastic trend. In other words, each variable is a sum, and there is a linear combination of variables that is stationary. A sum variable having this characteristic is called a cointegration. In general, all components of the K-dimensional $ y_t $ process are $ I (d) $, under $ \ beta = (\ beta_1, \ cdots, \ beta_K) ^ \ prime \ ne 0 $, $ z_t = \ beta ^ \ prime If there is a linear combination of y_t $ and $ z_t $ is $ I (d − b) $, then the variable $ y_t $ is the cointegration of degree $ (d, b) $. It is called and is expressed by $ y_t ~ CI (d, b) $. For example, if all the components of $ y_t $ are I (1) and $ \ beta y_t $ is stationary (I (0)), then $ y_t to CI (1,1) $. The vector $ \ beta $ is called the cointegration vector. The process composed of variables that are cointegrations is called the cointegration process. This process was introduced by Granger (1981) and Engle & Granger (1987).
To simplify the term, we use a slightly different definition of cointegration. When $ \ Delta ^ d y_t $ is stable and $ \ Delta ^ {d−1} y_t $ is not stable, the K-dimensional $ y_t $ process is called the sum of degrees $ d $, which is easily $ y_t ~ I. Write (d) $. The I (d) process of $ y_t $ is a sum with an order smaller than $ d $, and if there is a linear combination $ \ beta y_t $ of $ \ beta \ ne 0 $, it is called a cointegration. This definition is different from that of Engle & Granger (1987) and does not exclude components of $ y_t $ whose sum order is less than d. If $ y_t $ has only one I (d) component and all other components are stable (I (0)), then $ \ Delta ^ d y_t $ is stable and $ \ Delta ^ When {d−1} y_t $ is not stable, the vector $ y_t $ becomes I (d) according to the definition. In such a case, the relationship $ \ beta y_t $ containing only the stationary component is a cointegration relationship in our terminology. Obviously, this aspect of our definition does not match the original idea of considering a special relationship between sum variables with a common stochastic trend as a cointegration, but distinguishes sums of variables of different degrees. The definition is still valid, not because it just simplifies the term. Readers should have a basic idea of cointegration when it comes to interpreting certain relationships.
Obviously, the cointegration vector is not unique. Multiplying by a non-zero constant yields a cointegration vector. Also, there may be various linearly independent cointegration vectors. For example, if your system has four variables, suppose the first two are in long-term equilibrium and the last two are similar. Therefore, there may be a cointegration vector with zeros in the last two positions and zeros in the first two positions. In addition, all four variables may have a cointegration relationship.
Prior to the introduction of the concept of cointegration, very close error-correcting models were discussed in the field of econometrics. Generally, in the error correction model, the change of the variable is regarded as a dissociation from the equilibrium relationship. For example, suppose $ y_ {1t} $ represents the price of an item in one market and $ y_ {2t} $ corresponds to the price of the same item in another market. Furthermore, it is assumed that the equilibrium between the two variables is given by $ y_ {1t} = \ beta_1 y_ {2t} $ and that the change in $ y_ {1t} $ depends on the deviation from this equilibrium in the period t − 1. To do.
A similar relationship may apply to $ y_ {2t} $
In a more general error correction model, $ \ Delta y_ {it} $ may also depend on previous changes in both variables, for example:
To see the close relationship between the error correction model and the concept of cointegration, we assume that both $ y_ {1t} $ and $ y_ {2t} $ are I (1) variables. In that case, all terms in (6.3.1), including $ \ Delta y_ {it} $, are stable. In addition, $ u_ {1t} $ and $ u_ {2t} $ are white noise errors, which are also stable. Unstable terms are not equivalent to stable processes
Random walk
Then do the same for AR (1). However, multiply each line by $ C_ {t-j} (= \ Pi ^ j $) so that the diagonally lower X is offset by the left side.
If $ X_t $ is I (1) and A is a full-rank pxp matrix, then $ AX_t $ is also $ I (0) $.
X_t $ to be steady, $ \ beta ^ \
C = 0 $
X_0 = \ beta ^ \
Y_0 ^ \ * $. Then
The induction system of the error correction model
X_t = E (\ beta ^ \
X_t) = c $ defines the underlying economy. The adjustment coefficient $ \ alpha $ tries to return the unbalanced error $ \ beta ^ \ `X_t-c $ to the correct state.
This is easier to understand if the lag is secondary.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from statsmodels.tsa.api import VECM
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.tsa.base.datetools import dates_from_str
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.vecm import coint_johansen
from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.vecm import select_coint_rank
from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.vecm import select_order
Two-dimensional process $ X_t $
= (a, -1) $. The linear relationship $ \ beta ^ \
X_t = aX_ {1t} -X_ {2t} = a \ epsilon_ {2t}-\ epsilon_ {3t} $ is stationary, so let's check it.
Oxford University Press.
From the graph, it can be seen that both are in the process of integration, but they behave in the same way.
Stationarity can be confirmed. Let's examine some more characteristics.
from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.vecm import coint_johansen
jres = coint_johansen(X, det_order=0, k_ar_diff=2)
print('critical value of max eigen value statistic',jres.cvm)
print('maximum eigenvalue statistic',jres.lr2)
print('critical value of trace statistic',jres.cvt)
print('Trace statistic',jres.lr1)
print('eigen values of VECM coefficient matrix',jres.eig)
print('eigen vectors of VECM coefficient matrix',jres.evec)
print('Order of eigenvalues',jres.ind)
critical value (90%, 95%, 99%) of max eigen value statistic
[[12.2971 14.2639 18.52 ]
[ 2.7055 3.8415 6.6349]]
maximum eigenvalue statistic
[2855.97930446 4.11317178]
critical value of trace statistic
[[13.4294 15.4943 19.9349]
[ 2.7055 3.8415 6.6349]]
Trace statistic
[2860.09247624 4.11317178]
eigen values of VECM coefficient matrix
[0.24849967 0.00041136]
eigen vectors of VECM coefficient matrix
[[ 0.50076827 -0.03993806]
[-1.67011922 -0.01128004]]
Order of eigenvalues [0 1]
meth johansen
Next, let's find out about the rank.
rres = select_coint_rank(X, det_order=-1, k_ar_diff=2)
Johansen cointegration test using trace test statistic with 5% significance level
r_0 r_1 test statistic critical value
0 2 2857. 12.32
1 2 1.584 4.130
Next, let's examine lag.
rres = select_order(X,maxlags=10)
VECM Order Selection (* highlights the minimums)
0 1.079 1.083 2.942 1.081
1 0.9691 0.9764 2.636 0.9716
2 0.9541 0.9642* 2.596 0.9575
3 0.9528* 0.9658 2.593* 0.9572*
4 0.9528 0.9687 2.593 0.9582
5 0.9535 0.9723 2.595 0.9598
6 0.9539 0.9755 2.596 0.9612
7 0.9546 0.9791 2.598 0.9629
8 0.9550 0.9825 2.599 0.9643
9 0.9556 0.9860 2.600 0.9659
10 0.9556 0.9888 2.600 0.9668
Let's see the result with the VECM model.
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation y1
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 -0.0805 0.005 -16.217 0.000 -0.090 -0.071
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation y2
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 0.2708 0.003 86.592 0.000 0.265 0.277
Cointegration relations for loading-coefficients-column 1
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
beta.1 1.0000 0 0 0.000 1.000 1.000
beta.2 -3.3342 0.004 -850.887 0.000 -3.342 -3.327
Next, Add $ X_ {3t} = \ epsilon_ {4t} $. In this vector process, there are two cointegration vectors (a, -1,0) and (0,0,1).
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation y1
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 -0.0319 0.003 -11.006 0.000 -0.038 -0.026
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation y2
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 0.0962 0.002 42.596 0.000 0.092 0.101
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation y3
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 -0.1374 0.002 -71.039 0.000 -0.141 -0.134
Cointegration relations for loading-coefficients-column 1
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
beta.1 1.0000 0 0 0.000 1.000 1.000
beta.2 -3.3418 0.008 -445.090 0.000 -3.357 -3.327
beta.3 4.7902 0.059 81.021 0.000 4.674 4.906
Next, let's look at the quadratic sum I (2).
As for X1, X2, and X3, I'm not sure if it will be really steady, so I'll actually make random numbers. A, b, and c were adjusted so that the graph was easy to see.
Next, let's take the actual difference and check the stationarity.
I understand that the difference on the first floor is not steady, but on the second floor it is steady.
The result here is the same.
The vector error correction model is used to study the relationship between the permanent stochastic trend (unit root) of the objective variable and its short-term dissociation. VECM is used to model the difference series of vectors and identify and estimate these models under the assumption that there are multiple stochastic trends. VECM ($ k_ {ar} -1) $ is
Takes the form of. Also, $ \ Pi = \ alpha \ beta ^ \ $. Since these $ \ alpha $ and $ \ beta ^ \
$ cannot be estimated by the least squares method, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of $ \ Pi $ are obtained by maximum likelihood estimation of the error correction model, and $ \ Pi by the cointegration test. Determine the rank of $ and find the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue. See Chapter 7 of [1]. It is also possible to include deterministic terms such as constant terms and trend terms in $ \ Pi y_ {t−1} $. See [3].
VECM ($ k_ {ar} -1 $) with a deterministic term
Will be. $ D_ {t-1} ^ \ infinty $ indicates that there is a deterministic term in the cointegration vector (or constraining the cointegration vector). $ \ eta $ is the relevant estimator. To pass a deterministic term in the cointegration vector, use the argument exog_coint. In the two special cases of constant terms and linear trends, there is an easier way than using these terms. You can pass each of "ci" and "li" to the argument deterministic. Therefore, for the constant term in the cointegration vector, pass "ci" for the argument deterministic or np.ones (len (data)) to exog_coint. In this case, $ D_ {t-1} ^ \ infinty = 1 $ for all $ t $.
You can also use deterministic terms outside the cointegration vector. These are defined in $ D_t $ in the above equation with an estimator for the matrix $ C $. These terms are specified by passing them to the argument exog. For constant terms and / or linear trends, the argument deterministic can be used instead. Pass "co" for constant terms and "lo" for linear trends. "o" represents the outside. The following table shows the five cases considered in [2]. The last column shows the string to pass to the deterministic argument of each of these cases.
class statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.vecm.VECM(endog, exog=None, exog_coint=None, dates=None, freq=None, missing='none', k_ar_diff=1, coint_rank=1, deterministic='nc', seasons=0, first_season=0)
Class representing a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM).
endog array-like(nobs_tot x neqs) Two-dimensional endogenous response variable.
exog: ndarray (nobs_tot x neqs) or None A deterministic term outside the cointegration vector.
exog_coint: ndarray (nobs_tot x neqs) or None Deterministic term in the cointegration vector.
date array-like datetime, optional. See statsmodels.tsa.base.tsa_model.TimeSeriesModel for more information.
freqstr, optional See statsmodels.tsa.base.tsa_model.TimeSeriesModel for more information.
missing str, option, See statsmodels.base.model.Model for more information.
k_ar_diff int The order of the difference in the model. Equal to kar-1 in the above equation.
coint_rank int The cointegration rank is equal to the rank Π of the matrix and the number of columns of α and β.
deterministic str {"nc"、 "co"、 "ci"、 "lo"、 "li"} "nc"-no deterministic term "co"-constant outside the cointegration vector "ci"-constants in the cointegration vector "lo"-Linear trend outside the cointegration vector "li"-Linear trend in cointegration vector
Can be combined (eg "cili" or "colo" for linear trends with constant terms). If you use a constant term, you need to choose whether to limit it to a cointegration relationship (ie "ci") or leave it unlimited (ie "co"). Do not use both “ci” and “co”. The same is true for "li" and "lo" when using linear terms. See note for details.
seasons int, default: 0 The number of periods in the seasonal cycle. 0 means there is no season.
first_season int, default: 0 The season of the first observation.
steps int Prediction period.
alpha float, 0 < alpha < 1 or None If None, only point predictions are calculated. For float, the confidence interval is also calculated. In this case, the argument represents the trust level.
exog ndarray (steps x self.exog.shape[1]) If self.exog is not None, pass information about future values of exog from this parameter. The ndarray can be larger in the first dimension. In this case, only the first step row is considered.
forecast - ndarray (steps x neqs) or three ndarrays
For point predictions: Each row of the returned ndarray represents a prediction of the neqs variable for a particular time period. The first row (index [0]) is the forecast for the next period and the last row (index [steps-1]) is the steps-periods-ahead- forecast.
[1] Lütkepohl, H. 2005. New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis. Springer.
[2] Johansen, S. 1995. Likelihood-Based Inference in Cointegrated * *Vector Autoregressive Models. Oxford University Press.
[3] Johansen, S. and K Jusellus 1990. Likelihood-Based Estimation and Inference on Cointegration with application to the demand for money. 0xford Bullretin of Economics and Statisitics,52,169-210
Generating artificial data and using that data to understand the characteristics of the model before analyzing the actual data is the most effective weapon.
So let's generate two non-stationary time series, $ x $ and $ y $, and analyze them with VECM. At that time, set deterministic ='nc' and K_ar_diff = 0. This is an attempt to limit the variables of the model to only $ \ alpha $ and $ \ beta $. At that time, simple regression of $ x $ and $ y $ is performed to obtain beta, and the error is used to estimate alpha. The number of data is $ n = 10000 $. Enough to converge.
res= sm.OLS(y.cumsum(), xx).fit()
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation y
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 -0.0005 0.000 -1.671 0.095 -0.001 8.89e-05
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation x
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 -3.723e-05 0.000 -0.121 0.904 -0.001 0.001
Cointegration relations for loading-coefficients-column 1
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
beta.1 1.0000 0 0 0.000 1.000 1.000
beta.2 -0.2731 0.382 -0.716 0.474 -1.021 0.475
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: y R-squared: 0.126
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.126
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 1443.
Date: Sun, 01 Mar 2020 Prob (F-statistic): 4.92e-295
Time: 02:27:15 Log-Likelihood: -43187.
No. Observations: 10000 AIC: 8.638e+04
Df Residuals: 9998 BIC: 8.639e+04
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const -29.8591 0.210 -142.406 0.000 -30.270 -29.448
x -0.1572 0.004 -37.984 0.000 -0.165 -0.149
Omnibus: 414.693 Durbin-Watson: 0.003
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 401.515
Skew: -0.447 Prob(JB): 6.49e-88
Kurtosis: 2.593 Cond. No. 58.5
res= sm.OLS(y, u).fit()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: y R-squared (uncentered): 0.000
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared (uncentered): -0.000
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 0.2729
Date: Sun, 01 Mar 2020 Prob (F-statistic): 0.601
Time: 02:57:55 Log-Likelihood: -14187.
No. Observations: 10000 AIC: 2.838e+04
Df Residuals: 9999 BIC: 2.838e+04
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
x1 0.0001 0.000 0.522 0.601 -0.000 0.001
Omnibus: 0.070 Durbin-Watson: 2.013
Prob(Omnibus): 0.966 Jarque-Bera (JB): 0.053
Skew: -0.002 Prob(JB): 0.974
Kurtosis: 3.011 Cond. No. 1.00
By moving this over and over again, you should be able to see the meaning and usage of the model. Don't forget that the data is a random walk.
year Period --1959q1 --2009q3 quarter: quarter-- 1-4 realgdp: Real Gross Domestic Product-(Bil. Of chained 2005 USD, seasonally adjusted annual rate) realcons: Real personal consumption-(Bil. Of chained 2005 USD, seasonally adjusted annual rate) realinv: Real Private Total Domestic Investment (Bil. Of chained 2005 USD, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate)
from statsmodels.tsa.api import VECM
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.tsa.base.datetools import dates_from_str
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
mdata = sm.datasets.macrodata.load_pandas().data
dates = mdata[['year', 'quarter']].astype(int).astype(str)
quarterly = dates["year"] + "Q" + dates["quarter"]
quarterly = dates_from_str(quarterly)
mdata = mdata[['realgdp','realcons','realinv']]
mdata.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(quarterly)
data = np.log(mdata).diff().dropna()
model = VECM(data)
results =
Det. terms outside the coint. relation & lagged endog. parameters for equation realgdp
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
L1.realgdp -0.0101 0.147 -0.068 0.945 -0.298 0.278
L1.realcons -0.4094 0.133 -3.081 0.002 -0.670 -0.149
L1.realinv 0.0039 0.020 0.197 0.843 -0.035 0.043
Det. terms outside the coint. relation & lagged endog. parameters for equation realcons
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
L1.realgdp 0.0039 0.140 0.028 0.978 -0.270 0.277
L1.realcons -0.4813 0.126 -3.818 0.000 -0.728 -0.234
L1.realinv -0.0083 0.019 -0.443 0.658 -0.045 0.028
Det. terms outside the coint. relation & lagged endog. parameters for equation realinv
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
L1.realgdp 2.3752 0.825 2.879 0.004 0.758 3.992
L1.realcons -1.4317 0.745 -1.922 0.055 -2.892 0.028
L1.realinv -0.3738 0.110 -3.383 0.001 -0.590 -0.157
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation realgdp
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 -1.2524 0.141 -8.875 0.000 -1.529 -0.976
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation realcons
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 0.0673 0.134 0.503 0.615 -0.195 0.330
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation realinv
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 -7.3749 0.791 -9.322 0.000 -8.926 -5.824
Cointegration relations for loading-coefficients-column 1
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
beta.1 1.0000 0 0 0.000 1.000 1.000
beta.2 -0.9514 0.037 -25.704 0.000 -1.024 -0.879
beta.3 -0.0204 0.010 -1.967 0.049 -0.041 -6.88e-05
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fx = web.DataReader("DEXJPUS","fred",start)# usdjpy
rf = web.DataReader("USD12MD156N", 'fred',start)
rd = web.DataReader("JPY12MD156N", 'fred',start)
2019-12-02 109.09 1.96250 0.10283
2019-12-03 108.53 1.93663 0.10367
2019-12-04 108.87 1.91700 0.10567
2019-12-05 108.69 1.92263 0.09833
2019-12-06 108.66 1.92313 0.10833
model = VECM(data)
results =
Det. terms outside the coint. relation & lagged endog. parameters for equation DEXJPUS
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
L1.DEXJPUS 0.0179 0.011 1.681 0.093 -0.003 0.039
L1.USD12MD156N 0.2679 0.155 1.729 0.084 -0.036 0.572
L1.JPY12MD156N -0.1119 0.272 -0.412 0.681 -0.645 0.421
Det. terms outside the coint. relation & lagged endog. parameters for equation USD12MD156N
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
L1.DEXJPUS 0.0042 0.001 5.762 0.000 0.003 0.006
L1.USD12MD156N 0.0529 0.011 4.931 0.000 0.032 0.074
L1.JPY12MD156N 0.0111 0.019 0.590 0.555 -0.026 0.048
Det. terms outside the coint. relation & lagged endog. parameters for equation JPY12MD156N
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
L1.DEXJPUS 0.0041 0.000 9.923 0.000 0.003 0.005
L1.USD12MD156N 0.0337 0.006 5.562 0.000 0.022 0.046
L1.JPY12MD156N -0.0922 0.011 -8.665 0.000 -0.113 -0.071
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation DEXJPUS
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 -0.0002 7.46e-05 -3.277 0.001 -0.000 -9.82e-05
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation USD12MD156N
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 -8.487e-06 5.16e-06 -1.645 0.100 -1.86e-05 1.63e-06
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation JPY12MD156N
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 -1.177e-05 2.92e-06 -4.034 0.000 -1.75e-05 -6.05e-06
Cointegration relations for loading-coefficients-column 1
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
beta.1 1.0000 0 0 0.000 1.000 1.000
beta.2 -34.4981 7.117 -4.847 0.000 -48.447 -20.549
beta.3 52.7028 12.677 4.157 0.000 27.857 77.549
Exchange rate, 12-month LIBOR and 250 data forecast
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
Exchange rate forecast error
n225 = web.DataReader("NIKKEI225", 'fred',start)
sp500 = web.DataReader("SP500", 'fred',start)
2019-12-09 108.66 23430.70 3135.96
2019-12-10 108.66 23410.19 3132.52
2019-12-11 108.66 23391.86 3141.63
2019-12-12 108.66 23424.81 3168.57
2019-12-13 108.66 24023.10 3168.80
model = VECM(data)
results =
Det. terms outside the coint. relation & lagged endog. parameters for equation DEXJPUS
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
L1.DEXJPUS -0.0278 0.021 -1.308 0.191 -0.069 0.014
L1.NIKKEI225 0.0001 6.14e-05 2.016 0.044 3.45e-06 0.000
L1.SP500 0.0019 0.001 2.823 0.005 0.001 0.003
Det. terms outside the coint. relation & lagged endog. parameters for equation NIKKEI225
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
L1.DEXJPUS 63.7228 6.161 10.342 0.000 51.647 75.799
L1.NIKKEI225 -0.1888 0.018 -10.592 0.000 -0.224 -0.154
L1.SP500 5.1709 0.200 25.879 0.000 4.779 5.562
Det. terms outside the coint. relation & lagged endog. parameters for equation SP500
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
L1.DEXJPUS -0.5797 0.631 -0.919 0.358 -1.816 0.656
L1.NIKKEI225 0.0020 0.002 1.097 0.273 -0.002 0.006
L1.SP500 -0.0170 0.020 -0.830 0.406 -0.057 0.023
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation DEXJPUS
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 0.0003 0.000 1.906 0.057 -8.9e-06 0.001
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation NIKKEI225
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 0.1447 0.048 3.023 0.003 0.051 0.238
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation SP500
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 0.0109 0.005 2.231 0.026 0.001 0.021
Cointegration relations for loading-coefficients-column 1
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
beta.1 1.0000 0 0 0.000 1.000 1.000
beta.2 -0.0469 0.014 -3.367 0.001 -0.074 -0.020
beta.3 0.3437 0.113 3.050 0.002 0.123 0.564
model = VECM(data.iloc[-500:])
results =
Det. terms outside the coint. relation & lagged endog. parameters for equation DEXJPUS
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
L1.DEXJPUS 0.0021 0.048 0.043 0.966 -0.092 0.096
L1.NIKKEI225 6.633e-05 8.34e-05 0.795 0.427 -9.72e-05 0.000
L1.SP500 -0.0004 0.001 -0.499 0.618 -0.002 0.001
Det. terms outside the coint. relation & lagged endog. parameters for equation NIKKEI225
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
L1.DEXJPUS 74.0915 21.467 3.451 0.001 32.017 116.166
L1.NIKKEI225 -0.1603 0.037 -4.298 0.000 -0.233 -0.087
L1.SP500 4.7485 0.332 14.311 0.000 4.098 5.399
Det. terms outside the coint. relation & lagged endog. parameters for equation SP500
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
L1.DEXJPUS -2.4372 3.102 -0.786 0.432 -8.517 3.642
L1.NIKKEI225 -0.0029 0.005 -0.545 0.586 -0.014 0.008
L1.SP500 0.0160 0.048 0.333 0.739 -0.078 0.110
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation DEXJPUS
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 0.0004 0.002 0.215 0.830 -0.003 0.004
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation NIKKEI225
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 2.4929 0.866 2.880 0.004 0.796 4.190
Loading coefficients (alpha) for equation SP500
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ec1 0.1778 0.125 1.421 0.155 -0.067 0.423
Cointegration relations for loading-coefficients-column 1
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
beta.1 1.0000 0 0 0.000 1.000 1.000
beta.2 -0.0117 0.003 -4.390 0.000 -0.017 -0.006
beta.3 0.0521 0.021 2.510 0.012 0.011 0.093
reference: statsmodels reference error correction model wiki Analysis of cointegration, ECM, and causality in the VAR model
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