[PYTHON] [Django] I wanted to test when POSTing a large file [TDD]

I wanted to test if a large file (about 200MB this time) was correctly repelled by validation when POSTed. I wanted to, but when I actually tried to test using a file of about 200MB, I got angry with Memory Error.

You can make something like dummy data!

When I was wondering what happened, there seems to be a Temporary Uploaded File.


from django.core.files.uploadedfile import TemporaryUploadedFile
from django.test import TestCase

class TestClass(TestCase):
  def test_testfunction(self):
    form_data = {
      'upload_file': TemporaryUploadedFile("test.csv", "csv", 214958080, "utf8")
    response = self.client.post('/test/path/', form_data)
    self.assertEqual(302, response.status_code, "I didn't redirect properly")

It's broken a lot, but it looks like it can be used like this. The capacity can be specified in b units with the third argument. This time, I put a value that is a little over 200MB. (The digit changes at 1024. Note that it's not 1000.)


It's very short, but I wonder if it's good in a memorial sense. By the way, if it is a small amount of data, there seems to be ʻInMemoryUploadedFile`.



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