Make html available in Vapor

.leaf is not syntax highlighted automatically

If you set YES to the question of whether to use Leaf when creating a new project in Vapor, `index.leaf``` will be automatically generated in Resources/Views. This .leaf``` extension is not syntax highlighted automatically in Xcode. (If you select Editor-> Syntax Coloring-> HTML, it will be applied temporarily, but if you close Xcode, it will return to the original, so you have to set it every time.) This is a hassle, so configure.swift should be able to read `` .html``` as follows.

Add import Leaf Kit and app.leaf.Change sources with sources

#### **`configure.swift`**

import Leaf
import LeafKit
import Vapor

// configures your application
public func configure(_ app: Application) throws {
    // uncomment to serve files from /Public folder
    // app.middleware.use(FileMiddleware(publicDirectory:


    app.leaf.sources = .singleSource(NIOLeafFiles(fileio: app.fileio,
                                                    limits: .default,
                                                    defaultExtension: "html"))

    // register routes
    try routes(app)

index.from leaf to index.Change to html and change Syntax Coloring to HTML

 ![スクリーンショット 2020-12-21 11.46.35.png](

 Now, even if you close and restart Xcode, Syntax Coloring will still be applied.

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