The solution when an empty object is returned in go's json.Marshal

When an empty object enters

func A() string {
	type ResponseData struct {
        //Not published because it starts with a lowercase letter
		name  string
		value int64
	var rd []ResponseData
    rd = append(rd,ResponseData{
	resRaw, _ := json.Marshal(rd)
	resultJSON := string(resRaw)
	return resultJSON

The field of ResponseData is not exposed. If you do this, [{}] ← like this will be included in the resultJSON.

OK guy

func A() string {
	type ResponseData struct {
        //It is published because the beginning is uppercase
		Name  string
		Value int64
	var rd []ResponseData
    rd = append(rd,ResponseData{
	resRaw, _ := json.Marshal(rd)
	resultJSON := string(resRaw)
	return resultJSON

By doing this, the field of ResponseData is exported, and as a result, the resultJSON will be filled with the value properly.

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