[PYTHON] I want to align the significant figures in the Numpy array

Align the significant figures of the Numpy array in Python Note.

※ Things necessary

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

numpy_data = np.array([0.123456, 0.654321, 0.987654321])

#Convert numpy array to Pandas DataFrame
panda_data = pd.DataFrame(numpy_data)

#Round with 3 significant digits
panda_data = panda_data.round(3)

#Revert to Numpy format if needed
numpy_data2 = np.array(panda_data.values)

print(numpy_data2) --> [0.123, 0.654, 0.988]

In Pandas DataFrame

.round(Significant figures)

By, you can specify significant figures.

Isn't there any other good way?

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