R environment construction with Jupyter (formerly IPython notebook) (on OS X El Capitan 10.11.3)

http://qiita.com/tanemaki/items/7c74b35505dc372bc9c6 After seeing this, I tried and errored to create an environment where R can be used on Ipython Notebook without "Gonyogonyo". This is the first post.

IPython Notebook seems to be Jupyter that supports other languages.

Setting environment

MacOS X El Capitan (10.11.3) Python (2.7.11) environment created by pyenv install anaconda-2.3.0 R (3.2.2)

trial and error

Follow the default installation instructions on Mac OS X while reading R kernel for Jupyter.

Launch R in Terminal,

> install.packages(c('repr', 'IRkernel', 'IRdisplay'), repos = c('http://irkernel.github.io/', getOption('repos')))

````> ---Choose a cran mirror site for use in this session--- ````

 Is displayed and XQuartz starts up, so select CRAN mirror.
 I chose my favorite mirror (Japan (Tokyo) [https], etc.) and OK, but

#### **` lazy loading failed for package 'IRkernel' ``**
````> error

 : persevere: Could not install.
 Since rzmq is set in other versions, it seems that you have to install by referring to "SOURCE" instead of "BINARY".
 (See; http://irkernel.github.io/installation/)

# Creating an IR kernel environment
 I'm using Homebrew so in Terminal
````$ brew install zmq ````
 Then launch R,

install.packages(c('rzmq','repr','IRkernel','IRdisplay'), repos = c('http://irkernel.github.io/', getOption('repos')), type = 'source')

 Select your favorite CRAN mirror as described above. After installation

#### **``> IRkernel::installspec()``**

 Set the R kernel to work inside Jupyter. Exit R with `> q ()` and then at terminal

````$ jupyter notebook````

 Success if R appears in New.

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