I want to use the Ubuntu desktop environment on Android for the time being (Termux version) It is a continuation of. Describes the settings for Japanese input in Ubuntu's LXDE and XFCE desktop environments. I'm using fcitx-anthy because fcitx-mozc just couldn't work (it should be on, but I can't type Japanese ...).
First, install Japanese fonts and Anthy (a tool for inputting Japanese from the keyboard). dbus-x11 makes up for the lack of input tools. After launching Ubuntu's LXDE or XFCE desktop environment, execute the following command in a shell such as LXTerminal.
apt install -y fonts-noto
apt install -y fcitx-anthy
apt install -y dbus-x11
Next, make the settings in the input tool settings dialog. Open the dialog with the following command.
If the dialog does not open, execute the following command and then launch the dialog again.
After displaying the input tool dialog, follow the steps below to set up Anthy.
Next, write the environment variables and the start command of fcitx in the configuration file. Execute the following command to edit the configuration file.
vim ~/.bashrc
Place the following in a suitable location in the .bashrc file. I listed at the bottom.
export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx
fcitx > /dev/null 2>&1
Finally, quit Termux and XSDL and restart them. There are two lines of Termux in the notification area of Android, so tap the upper one. The word Exit will appear at the bottom left, so tap Exit to exit Termux. Follow the steps for each Android launcher to exit XSDL. If you start the desktop environment with Termux + XSDL again, you will be able to input Japanese with Anthy.
In my environment, I couldn't input Japanese with Anthy without restarting Termux. I couldn't load .bashrc with the souce command, so there may be something I have to do at startup.
[Building Japanese input for Linux (Crostini) on Chromebook with Anthy] (https://qiita.com/shin1kt/items/8d6be8e16e309db9cd79)
[Use VS Code on Chromebook C101PA. (Using Crostini)] (https://www.taneyats.com/entry/vscode-on-c101pa#%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E3%82%92%E8%BF%BD%E5%8A%A0)
[What to do if fcitx fails to connect to fcitx correctly] (https://kunst1080.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/11/25/215016)
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