A brief summary of Linux

What is Linux?

--A server OS developed based on Unix, which is a typical server OS along with Windows Server.

--Linux is just a ** generic name **, and there is no OS named Linux.

What are the features of Linux?

It has the following three main features.

  1. It must be open source (source code that is open to the public and can be freely modified and distributed by anyone).

  2. Often provided as free software.

  3. In the case of Windows Server, it is provided by one company of Microsoft, whereas in Linux, there is a provider for each distribution, and each distribution has its own characteristics.

Example: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Provided by: Red Hat) → Specialized for servers : Debian GNU / Linux (Provided by: Debian Project) → Can be used for both client PC and server : Ubuntu (Provided by Canonical UK Ltd.) → Separated for client PC and server

Why is Linux so popular?

There are three main reasons.

  1. No cost from starting to use until discontinuing (free to use)

  2. You can select the OS according to your purpose (there are many distributions)

  3. Rich server software (most servers can be built)

There is also paid Linux inside

Example: Red Hat Enterprise Linux  :SUSE Linux Enterprise Server  :Turbolinux  :Oracle Enterprise Linux

Reasons to use paid Linux

――Because you can get support from the provider if you pay

――If it's free, you may not be able to respond even if you contact the development community due to a bug or other obstacle.

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