Summary of Java 11 release status of major Linux distributions

The official version of Java 11 was released in September 2018. On this page, I would like to summarize the release status of Java 11 of major Linux distributions.


--This page is based on the information as of October 25, 2018. ――It is intended for Linux distributions that you think are the major ones you have used. Fedora and FreeBSD are not listed because I have little knowledge, but I would like to add if there is good information. --Red Hat, whose information is relatively available, is excluded from this target.

Contents handled on this page

Many people, such as @sugarlife (Twitter) and @nowokay, have summarized the support for Java 8 and Java 11, so this page does not cover it. I think the following two pages cover important Java support.

--@ sugarlife's SlideShare document-Introduction to Java 11_ Support and JVM Features #jjug --@ nowokay's Qiita article-Summary of Java support --Qiita

In the above SlideShare document, there is a description that "For free binary distribution support," AdoptOpenJDK "or Linux distribution provided package". On the other hand, Java on other Linux distributions, except that Redhat has announced that it will support OpenJDK 8 until June 2023 ( I don't think you'll hear much information about the release status of 8 or Java 11. Therefore, I would like to summarize the information on this page to the extent possible.

Amazon Linux / Amazon Linux 2

Information as of November 13, 2018

Amazon Web Services Blog announced the availability of Java LTS (Long-Term Support) for Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux AMI. [About providing Java LTS (Long-Term Support) on Amazon Linux _ Amazon Web Services Blog]( -java-in-amazon-linux /)

For more information, see the blog above, but here's a quick summary:

--Free LTS for OpenJDK 8 and OpenJDK 11 on Amazon Linux 2 will be provided by Amazon at the earliest ** until June 30, 2023 ** --Support for OpenJDK 8 on Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03 ** Until June 30, 2020 ** Provided by AWS

Information as of October 25, 2018

I searched the discussion forums and package list, but couldn't find any information about the Java 11 release schedule.

Discussion forum

--Google site search URL java 11 -

The question "Is Amazon Linux 2 planning to include Java 11 in the core package in the future?" Was posted on 2018/09/18, but as of 2018/10/25, there is no answer from AWS. Hmm.

Package List-Amazon Linux

When I checked the package list of 5 versions in order of newest, all versions contained java-1.8.0-openjdk, but I could not confirm Java 11.

Package List-Amazon Linux 2

The package list could not be confirmed on the website.

Ubuntu The contents of the mailing list and package list are summarized below.

OS version Default JDK OpenJDK provided
14.04 LTS (Trusty) OpenJDK 7 OpenJDK 6 / 7
16.04 LTS (Xenial) OpenJDK 8 OpenJDK 8 / 9
18.04 LTS (Bionic) OpenJDK 11 OpenJDK 8 / 11

QA site / mailing list

There was an article on the future Java support policy on the Ubuntu QA site (askubuntu) and mailing list.

--QA site article --[package management --Why is OpenJDK 10 packaged as openjdk-11 -__ --Ask Ubuntu]( openjdk-11) --February 2018 mailing list post-- OpenJDK SRU exception

The contents of the above mailing list are roughly as follows.

--For 18.04 LTS (Bionic), OpenJDK 10 will be released as the default JRE / JDK, and the default JRE / JDK will be switched to OpenJDK 11 as SRU (Stable Release Update) in September or October 2018. --For 16.04 LTS (Xenial) (scheduled for EOL in April 2021), leave the main JDK as OpenJDK 8.

Package list

14.04 LTS (Trusty) ʻOpenjdk-7-jdk` is the default JDK.

In the package search, ʻopenjdk-6-jdk ʻopenjdk-7-jdk was hit.

16.04 LTS (Xenial) ʻOpenjdk-8-jdk` is the default JDK.

In the package search, ʻopenjdk-8-jdk ʻopenjdk-9-jdk was hit.

18.04 LTS (Bionic) ʻOpenjdk-11-jdk` is the default JDK.

In the package search, ʻopenjdk-8-jdk ʻopenjdk-11-jdk was hit.

Debian The following is a summary of the confirmation results of the Wiki and the package list.

OS version Default JDK OpenJDK provided
8.0 (jessie) OpenJDK 7 OpenJDK 7
9.0 (stretch) OpenJDK 8 OpenJDK 8
10.0 (buster) OpenJDK 11 OpenJDK 8 / 10 / 11

Wiki The Debian Wiki has a set of default JDKs for each OS version (I want other distributions to be organized in such an easy-to-understand manner ...).

The general contents are as follows.

--OpenJDK 11 will be adopted as the default JDK in 10.0 (buster) scheduled to be released in 2019. --Current release 9.0 (stretch) and jessie-backports default to OpenJDK 8 --One generation ago 8.0 (jessie) defaults to OpenJDK 7

Package list

8.0 (jessie) In the package search, only ʻopenjdk-7-jdk` was hit.

9.0 (stretch) Only ʻopenjdk-8-jdk` was hit in the package search.

10.0 (buster) The package search hit ʻopenjdk-8-jdk ʻopenjdk-10-jdk ʻopenjdk-11-jdk` (where did 9 go?).

CentOS I searched the community site and package list, but couldn't find any information about the Java 11 release schedule.

Community site

--Google site search URL java 11 -

We found two topics that seemed to be relevant. In the second topic, the release schedule of Java 11 on CentOS was asked, but there was a comment such as "Only Red Hat knows".

Package list

Both CentOS6 and CentOS7 include java-1.8.0-openjdk, but Java 11 could not be confirmed.

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