I want to return an object in CSV format with multi-line header & filter in Java

1.First of all

Since it was necessary to create a csv format that can filter output fields by multi-line header and field name, describe the program that was considered to be the library used.


You can easily convert an object (json) to csv with Jackson's library (jackson-dataformat-csv). I used this this time.

// getter/setter is required but omitted
class TestObj {
  private String field1 = "aaa";
  private String field2 = null;
  private String field3 = "ccc";
TestObj obj = new TestObj();
CsvMapper mapper = new CsvMapper();
CsvSchema schema = mapper.schemaFor(TestObj.class).withHeader();

try {
} catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
  //Error handling (provisional)



You can also do the following

CsvMapper mapper = new CsvMapper();
CsvSchema schema = mapper.schemaFor(TestObj.class).withHeader().withNullValue("<empty>");


CsvMapper mapper = new CsvMapper();
CsvSchema schema = mapper.schemaFor(TestObj.class).withHeader().withLineSeparator("|");


List<TestObj> objs = new ArrayList<TestObj>() {
    add(new TestObj());
    add(new TestObj());
    add(new TestObj());
CsvMapper mapper = new CsvMapper();
CsvSchema schema = mapper.schemaFor(TestObj.class).withHeader();



It should be noted that it does not support the following changes to nested objects.

//Can be converted to csv
class TestObj {
  private String field1 = "aaa";
  private String field2 = "bbb";
  private String field3 = "ccc";

//Cannot be converted to csv
class TestObj2 {
  TestObj obj = new TestObj();
  private String field4 = "aaa";

3. Filter by multi-line header & field and output

Create something that outputs the field name and type name of the object as a header (2 lines).

Unfortunately, jackson doesn't support multiple headers or filters, so I created it myself.

public static void main(String[] args) {
	TestObj obj = new TestObj();
	List<Field> fields = Arrays.asList(obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields());
	CsvMapper mapper = new CsvMapper();
	CsvSchema schema = mapper.schemaFor(TestObj.class);
	//Field to filter (originally external input)
	List<String> filterParam = new ArrayList<String>() {
	//Create multiple headers & filters
	String header = createHeader(obj, filterParam, fields);
	List<String> bodies = new ArrayList<>();
	try {
		bodies = Arrays.asList(mapper.writer(schema).writeValueAsString(obj).split(","));
	} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
		//Error handling (provisional)
	String body = filter(bodies, filterParam, fields);
	//Originally connected and returned

private static String createHeader(TestObj obj, List<String> param, List<Field> fields) {
	String fieldHeader = fields.stream().filter(o -> param.contains(o.getName())).map(o -> o.getName
	String typeHeader = fields.stream().filter(o -> param.contains(o.getName())).map(o -> {
		String typeName = o.getType().getName();
		return typeName.substring(typeName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, typeName.length());
	return fieldHeader + "\n" + typeHeader;

private static String filter(List<String> bodies, List<String> param, List<Field> fields) {
	if (param == null || param.isEmpty()) {
		return bodies.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(","));
	List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
	for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
		String fieldName = fields.get(i).getName();
		if (param.contains(fieldName)) {
	return res.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(","));

[Output result]


Reference site

CsvSchema http://fasterxml.github.io/jackson-dataformat-csv/javadoc/2.8/com/fasterxml/jackson/dataformat/csv/CsvSchema.html#withoutColumns()

Several ways to concatenate strings separated by commas in Java https://qiita.com/shisama/items/b27d16b3aeb1baf055b1

String concatenation in Java 8 https://qiita.com/lonerydeveloper/items/9f7c977c039ad4d24d30

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