It is a memorandum because I set Apache as a university assignment, made it SSL, and started Pebble from Tomcat linked with Apache. I will omit the Apache settings and local SSL. By the way, I described SSL conversion in the following article. https://qiita.com/Raluer/items/02b848437844ba3cbb6c
Comment out the following LoadModule
LoadModule proxy_module libexec/apache2/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module libexec/apache2/mod_proxy_ajp.so
Add the following sentence to the end of the file Read the AJP communication settings (will be created) described in the external config file.
Include /usr/local/etc/httpd/extra/httpd-proxy.conf
On the terminal at / usr / local / etc / httpd / extra /
$ sudo vim httpd-proxy.conf
Then vim will start and a new file will be created, so copy and paste the following code.
<Location /pebble >
ProxyPass ajp://localhost:8009/pebble
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
With this, the settings on the Apache side are all okay I will put Tomcat from here.
From the Official Site, select the version you like and press "Download". Click "tar.gz" from "Core" on the page you jumped to download. It may be easier later if you download it to the root directory (~ /). It can be anywhere.
Unzip the downloaded tar.gz file from the Finder and look inside. There is a folder called "conf", so go inside and open server.xml with your favorite text editor.
The following code around line 74,
<Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool"
port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8443" />
I will not use HTTP communication this time, so comment it out.
<Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool"
port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8443" />
Next, rewrite the address of the setting for AJP communication used this time to
around the 117th line, add secretRequired, and set the parameter to false (only when local!)
<Connector protocol="AJP/1.3"
secretRequired="false" />
By the way, I was really into it because I didn't set secretRequired.
The last spurt when you come here.
First, download Pebble from this site.
The download location is a bit confusing, but you can download it by clicking Pebble 2.6.4 in the upper right corner.
Unzip the downloaded file, ** copy pebble-2.6.4.war
in the unzipped folder ** without unzipping **, move to the previous Tomcat directory and paste it directly under webapps
.. The original folder is unnecessary. Only use the ** war file ** inside.
We will access the war file later, so let's ** rename ** to pebble.war
If you come this far, it's almost a goal.
Open a terminal and go inside Tomcat's bin
To start the tomcat server, in bin
on the terminal
$ ./startup.sh
Just type the command. By the way, when you stop
$ ./shutdown.sh
Just run in the same place. After confirming that it starts, leave it as it is
$ apachectl start
To start the apache server.
Now that both the tomcat server and the apache server are up, typing localhost / pebble
in your browser's URL should bring up Pebble's Welcome page after a short load.
I'm very addicted to it, so please refer to it and run through smoothly ...
Is port 8009 not filled? If it is filled, you can use another port (such as 8019). Don't forget to change both server.xml and httpd-proxy.conf!
https://ameblo.jp/g-pinchan-new/entry-11573378743.html https://qiita.com/brighton0725/items/0e116db637a8fea1d907
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