It is a memo of what I stumbled upon and investigated while using spring-boot.
Consider with the following Entity
public class Entity {
private int Id;
private String name;
private int position;
// Getter,Setter omitted
List<T> findAll(Sort sort)
List <T> findAll (Sort sort)
is defined when the interface that inherits JpaRepository is created, and it can be sorted as follows.
public class EntityService {
EntityRepoistory entityRepository;
public List<Entity> xxxMethod() {
return entityRepoistory.findAll(new Sort(ASC, "position"));
Specify by combining Sort
//Sort by descending position and ascending id
Sort sort = new Sort(Direction.DESC, "position").and(new Sort(Direction.ASC, "id"));
Sorting can be achieved simply by defining a method on the interface that inherits JpaRepository.
public interface EntityRepository implements JpaRepository<Entity, Integer> {
// select * from entity where name = 'xxx'Equivalent to order by position asc
List<Entity> findByNameOrderByPosition(String name);
// select *Equivalent to from entity order by position
//findAllOrderByPosition is no good
List<Entity> findAllByOrderByPosition();
If the return value of findBy is List, it can be obtained as multiple results even with this naming. A trap that findAllOrderByPosition doesn't work.
// select * from entity order by position desc,Equivalent to id asc
List<Entity> findAllByOrderByPositionDescIdAsc();
Realized by writing in JPQL format in @Query
public interface EntityRepository implements JpaRepository<Entity, Integer> {
@Query(value = "select e from Entity e order by position desc, id asc")
List<Sample> queryAll();
@Query(value = "select e from Entity")
List<Sample> queryAll(Sort sort);
Use @ Orderby
public class Entity {
@OrderBy(value = "position desc, id asc")
@JoinColumn(name = "entity_id")
private List<EntityItem> entityItems;
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