[PYTHON] Hydrogen installation notes

I'm a little addicted to it, so I'll make a note of it.

What is Hydrogen

A guy who can do Jupyter-like things with Atom. precious.


Hydrogen installation

Roughly speaking

  1. Python installation
  2. Jupyter installation
  3. Hydrogen installation
  4. Kernel Spec settings

I think it's normal.

Where I was addicted

I get the No module named ipykernel_launcher error

This is the Kernel Specs part of the Hydrogen settings, usually you'll copy the output of the jupyter kernelspec list --json as described, but the next part in it

    "python3": {
      "spec": {
        "argv": [


    "python3": {
      "spec": {
        "argv": [

When I rewrote it, it started to work.

I get a No kernel for language python found error

When I tried it on another machine, I got another error.

This can be found in Hydrogen doesnt seem to detect python3 installation · Issue # 583 · nteract / hydrogen · GitHub.

python3 -m ipykernel install --user

It was fixed. The jupyter installation itself may have made a mistake.

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