[Python] Use this to read and write wav files [wavio]

High resolution compatible wav files that have increased suddenly recently. This is a 24-bit bit rate, which is very annoying to handle with python. The module that solves such a problem is "wavio".


pip install wavio

Read wav file


import wavio

wav = wavio.read(filename)

fs = wav.rate #Sampling frequency[Hz]
samplewidth = wav.sampwidth #Sample width[Byte]
bit = wav.sampwidth * 8 #Number of quantization bits[bit]
data = wav.data #Waveform data
ch = len(wav.data[0, :]) #Number of channels

Export wav file


wavio.write("filename.wav", data, fs, sampwidth = samplewidth)

At the end

What actually works behind the scenes is the standard python module wave, but well, it would be convenient to have something like this.

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