(Python) ABC162-D Consideration log and solution

I participated (virtually) in ABC162. D Problem was interesting, so I will write the first commentary article!


It wasn't a beautiful commentary, but I wrote it so that what I thought at that time would flow down.

You can see the video on YouTube.


D - RGB Triplets


Understand the problem statement while receiving input

Read the problem while doing what you can do with brain death. Let's receive the input first.

n = int(input())
s = input()

Are these two conditions in the text?

Consider while writing stupidity

If you are in trouble, be honest. Think while moving your hands.

Search all combinations where $ i <j <k $, and add ʻans` if the conditions are met.

ans = 0

for i in range(n-2):
    for j in range(i+1, n-1):
        for k in range(j+1, n):
            if s[i]!=s[j] and s[j]!=s[k] and s[i]!=s[k]:
                if j-i != k-j:
                    ans += 1


This is obviously $ O (N ^ 3) $. $ N <= 4000 $, so no? If you set it to $ O (N ^ 2) $, it will be in time, but can you reduce the number of loops?

If you decide two, the remaining one will be decided automatically

When I saw the triple loop, I thought of Otoshidama.

Can it be a double loop? If this kind of processing can be done, can we go with $ O (N ^ 2) $?

for i in range(n-2):
    for j in range(i+1, n-1):
        if s[i] == s[j]:
        c = "(s[i],s[j]Different from(R,G,B)Any of)"

        ans += "s[j+1:n]Number of c in"

        #However, i,j,The position where k is evenly spaced is not suitable, so reduce it by 1.
        if j+(j-i)<n and s[j+(j-i)] == c:
            ans -= 1

Cumulative sum 3

"The number in the interval is the cumulative sum! (Practice swing)", so it will be the cumulative sum. At this point, all you have to do is make a cumulative sum.

ruisekiR = [0] * (n+1)
ruisekiG = [0] * (n+1)
ruisekiB = [0] * (n+1)

for i,c in enumerate(s):
    ruisekiR[i+1] = ruisekiR[i] + ( 1 if c == "R" else 0)
    ruisekiG[i+1] = ruisekiG[i] + ( 1 if c == "G" else 0)
    ruisekiB[i+1] = ruisekiB[i] + ( 1 if c == "B" else 0)

If you make this, the number of cs in s [j + 1: n] can be found by $ O (1) $.

        # c = (s[i],s[j]Different from(R,G,B)Any of)
        c = "R"
        if "R" in (s[i], s[j]):
            c = "G"
            if "G" in (s[i], s[j]):
                c = "B"

        # ans += (s[j+1:n]Number of c in)
        if c == "R":
            ans += (ruisekiR[n] - ruisekiR[j])
        if c == "G":
            ans += (ruisekiG[n] - ruisekiG[j])
        if c == "B":
            ans += (ruisekiB[n] - ruisekiB[j])

It's kind of dirty, but it's a contest so I don't care. This is AC!

Whole source

n = int(input())
s = input()

ruisekiR = [0] * (n+1)
ruisekiG = [0] * (n+1)
ruisekiB = [0] * (n+1)

for i,c in enumerate(s):
    ruisekiR[i+1] = ruisekiR[i] + ( 1 if c == "R" else 0)
    ruisekiG[i+1] = ruisekiG[i] + ( 1 if c == "G" else 0)
    ruisekiB[i+1] = ruisekiB[i] + ( 1 if c == "B" else 0)

ans = 0

for i in range(n-2):
    for j in range(i+1, n-1):
        if s[i] == s[j]:
        c = "R"
        if "R" in (s[i], s[j]):
            c = "G"
            if "G" in (s[i], s[j]):
                c = "B"

        if c == "R":
            ans += (ruisekiR[n] - ruisekiR[j])
        if c == "G":
            ans += (ruisekiG[n] - ruisekiG[j])
        if c == "B":
            ans += (ruisekiB[n] - ruisekiB[j])

        if j+(j-i)<n and s[j+(j-i)] == c:
            ans -= 1


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