Rails linked_to tag


I summarized how to write the link_to method of rails.

table of contents

  1. What is the link_to method?
  2. Basic writing

1. What is the link_to method?

The link_to method is the helper method used in the view. It is used when you want to display the link, and it generates the a tag of html. You can display the link by passing the character string to be displayed as a link and the link destination as arguments to the link_to method. Below, I will introduce how to write the basic source code of the link_to method.

2. Basic writing

--Link text as the first argument --Specify the path and URL in the second argument

You can create a link by passing these as arguments.

How to use URL or path

--When using URL

<%= link_to 'Yahoo', 'http://www.yahoo.co.jp/' %>

--When using a path

<%= link_to ‘User list’, ‘/users/index’ %>

How to use routing

If you want to create a link within the same application, use: Specify the route name set in "config / routes.rb" with "_path" added as the link destination. Use the following command to check the name of the routing. Run it in the application you created.

rails routes
   Prefix        Verb       URI Pattern                  Controller#Action
   incomes       POST       /incomes(.:format)            incomes#create
   new_income    GET        /incomes/new(.:format)        incomes#new
   edit_income   GET        /incomes/:id/edit(.:format)   incomes#edit
   income        PATCH      /incomes/:id(.:format)        incomes#update
                 PUT        /incomes/:id(.:format)        incomes#update
                 DELETE     /incomes/:id(.:format)        incomes#destroy

For example, if you want to paste a link to the new action (new creation screen) of income_controller, write as follows.

--When using Prefix

<%= link_to 'Create New', new_income_path %>

--When using URI Pattern

<%= link_to 'Create New', ‘/incomes/new’ %>

When you need to specify the id

Some of the above URI patterns include id, which indicates ** which "income" to set the link to the edit screen **. By passing the id of income as an argument to "edit_income_path", the link destination will be set based on the id of the income data.

How to use the method option

HTTP method can be specified in the argument of link_to method. ** If nothing is specified, it will be GET **. The way to write is as follows.

<%= link_to ‘Delete’, income_path(params[:id]), method: :delete %>

You can also set the id attribute and class attribute.

How to use do ~ end

The link_to method can also be described using the do ~ end block as shown below.

<%= link_to income_path, class: 'hoge' do %>
<% end %>

Elements in link_to do ~ end can be linked at the same time.

Reference link


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