[PYTHON] I tried to make a dictionary function that does not distinguish between cases


class PcInformation:
    def __init__(self):
        self.pc_dict = {}

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.pc_dict.get(key.upper(), '---Not set---')  #Keys are unified in uppercase

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.pc_dict[key.upper()] = value  #Keys are unified in uppercase

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.pc_dict[key.upper()]  #Keys are unified in uppercase

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.pc_dict)

pc_inf = PcInformation()
pc_inf['wpc001'] = ''
pc_inf['Wpc001'] = ''  #I'm not case-sensitive, so I can update it
pc_inf['WPC010'] = ''
pc_inf['wpc022'] = ''
pc_inf['WPC_010'] = ''
print(pc_inf['wpc010'])  #You can get it because it is not case-sensitive
print(pc_inf['wpc999'])  #wpc999 is not in the dictionary
del pc_inf['WpC_010']  #Delete

print('Number of terminals:{}'.format(len(pc_inf)))
print('List of terminals:')
for i, item in enumerate(pc_inf.pc_dict.items()):
    print('{:>5})  PC Name: {:<12}    IP: {}'.format(str(i + 1), item[0], item[1]))

Execution result: --- Not set --- Number of terminals: 3 List of terminals:     1) PC Name: WPC010 IP:     2) PC Name: WPC022 IP:     3) PC Name: WPC001 IP:

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