What is RubyGem?

I learned about Ruby libraries: writing_hand:

A lot of words came out and it seemed to be confusing, but I summarized it as follows.

: white_check_mark: library </ font>: Program extension. It combines complex programs and versatile programs into one. : white_check_mark: RubyGems </ font>: System that manages Ruby libraries : white_check_mark: Gem </ font>: Ruby library packaged in the RubyGems system format : white_check_mark: RubyGems.org </ font>: A site where many Ruby libraries are collected in Gem format.

I see: point_up:

RubyGems.org is like a treasure trove of Gem with lots of useful Ruby features! Ruby on Rails </ font>, which is also a framework </ font> (a tool for creating a framework and creating an application efficiently and easily), is also available. It turned out to be one of the "Gems" that combine various Gems.

In advancing this learning, I referred to the article by TECH CAMP blog, so I will post a link. When I typed "Ruby" and searched, many articles came out, so I would like to read it again when I have time.

[Overwhelmingly easy-to-understand explanation] Ruby on Raiils environment construction ~ for Mac ~

How does Rubygems work? A thorough explanation of gems recommended for Rails beginners!

  • Because I have just started programming, I may misinterpret or describe it. If you have any questions, I would appreciate it if you could give me more advice and suggestions. Thank you for reading to the end!

2020-08-16 The page has been updated with the advice of @scivola. Thank you very much.

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