Ruby on Rails5 Quick Learning Practice Guide 5.2 Compatible Chapter3

Create a Capter3 task management application

Create a simple "task management application" with CRUD from scratch without using scaffold.


Make it possible to issue Rails error messages in Japanese Download the translated file (raw file) from the Rails-i18n repository on Github as config / locales / ja.yml.

wget --output-file=config/locales/ja.yml

If you check config / locales / ja.yml, the following log is described.

--2020-06-26 14:40:30-- Connecting to ... Connected. Proxy sent connection request, waiting for response ... 200 OK Length: 5117 (5.0K) [text / plain] Saving in `ja.yml'

0K ....                                                  100% 10.3M=0s

2020-06-26 14:40:31 (10.3 MB / s) --Save to `ja.yml'completed [5117/5117]

To WEB browser as a solution Paste. Paste the contents of the following text displayed in ja.yml and save it.

ja: activerecord: errors: messages: record_invalid:'Validation failed:% {errors}' restrict_dependent_destroy: has_one: "Cannot be deleted because% {record} exists" has_many: "Cannot be deleted because% {record} exists" date: abbr_day_names:

Now you are ready to create your application.

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