[PYTHON] User is not added successfully after creating a custom User model

What happened

What happened is

  1. Create a custom User model by inheriting the Abstract User model.
  2. Register normally with admin like admin.register.site (CustomUser) **
  3. Register a new User from the admin administration screen!
  4. For some reason, the password is displayed raw.
  5. I can't log in! !! !!

The problem has occurred. .. From the conclusion, the cause is operation 2.

By the way, you can read more about customizing Users in the following articles. Article by okoppe8


Register UserAdmin in the second argument of admin.site.register ().


from django.contrib import admin

from . models import CustomUser
from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin

admin.site.register(CustomUser, UserAdmin)

Original code

I created UserAdmin by myself to customize the management screen and registered it as admin of CustomUser model. If this is the case, the password will not be hashed properly and will be registered, resulting in an error during authentication.


from django.contrib import admin

from . models import CustomUser

class UserAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('username', 'id', )

admin.site.register(CustomUser, UserAdmin)


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